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ADIS 2016 - 7th International Workshop on Autonomic Distributed Systems



VenueFukuoka, Japan Japan



Topics/Call fo Papers

ADiS workshop is dedicated to dissemination and evaluation of current advance solutions for autonomic computing in Large Scale Distributed Systems (LSDS). Autonomic Computing is based on the self-management capability of LSDS, more specific on the self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimization, and self-protection properties. In LSDS, one of the most important aspects is the dependability, which means to increase the reliability, availability, safety and security of the system. The models used in the development of systems with such capabilities combine monitoring, scheduling, data management, security, and fault tolerance. This is a challenge of today research, due to the strong requirements imposed by the dynamic behavior of the user and resource communities. Autonomic computing represent also a greatest challenge faced by the IT industry: conquering the growing complexity of large-scale systems.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide an open forum for researchers from academia and other research community to present, discusses, and exchange related ideas, results, and experiences in this area. The workshop also aims at stimulating synergies between these new approaches, autonomic computing for LSDS and self-organizing distributed systems, and the traditional models in this domain.

Last modified: 2015-12-19 22:13:30