2016 - Global Hospitality, Tourism Marketing & Management
Topics/Call fo Papers
Aiming to gather professors, researchers, scholars and industrial CEOs all over the world, GHTMM is the premier forum for the presentation and exchange of past experiences, new advances and research results in the field of hospitality and tourism. The conference welcomes contributions and rational discourse in fields of hospitality and tourism in the perspectives of marketing and management.
Other CFPs
- FORMUS?IC - Workshop of Multi-Core safe and software-intensive Systems Improvement Community
- 12th Workshop on Dependability and Fault Tolerance
- 3rd International Workshop on Self-optimisation in Autonomic and Organic Computing Systems
- 12th Workshop on Parallel Systems and Algorithms
- International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS 2016)
Last modified: 2015-12-17 12:33:19