ALA 2016 - Adaptive Learning Agents (ALA)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The goal of this workshop is to increase awareness and interest in adaptive agent research, encourage collaboration and give a representative overview of current research in the area of adaptive and learning agents and multiagent systems. It aims at bringing together not only scientists from different areas of computer science (e.g., agent architectures, reinforcement learning, and evolutionary algorithms) but also from different fields studying similar concepts (e.g., game theory, bio-inspired control, mechanism design).
The workshop will serve as an inclusive forum for the discussion on ongoing or completed work in both theoretical and practical issues of adaptive and learning agents and multiagent systems.
This workshop will focus on all aspects of adaptive and learning agents and multiagent systems with a particular amphasis on how to modify established learning techniques and/or create new learning paradigms to address the many challenges presented by complex real-world problems. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Novel combinations of reinforcement and supervised learning approaches
Integrated learning approaches that work with other agent reasoning modules like negotiation, trust models, coordination, etc.
Supervised multiagent learning
Reinforcement learning (single and multiagent)
Planning (single and multiagent)
Reasoning (single and multiagent)
Distributed learning
Adaptation and learning in dynamic environments
Evolution of agents in complex environments
Co-evolution of agents in a multiagent setting
Cooperative exploration and learning to cooperate and collaborate
Learning trust and reputation
Communication restrictions and their impact on multiagent coordination
Design of reward structure and fitness measures for coordination
Scaling learning techniques to large systems of learning and adaptive agents
Emergent behaviour in adaptive multiagent systems
Game theoretical analysis of adaptive multiagent systems
Neuro-control in multiagent systems
Bio-inspired multiagent systems
Applications of adaptive and learning agents and multiagents systems to real world complex systems
The workshop will serve as an inclusive forum for the discussion on ongoing or completed work in both theoretical and practical issues of adaptive and learning agents and multiagent systems.
This workshop will focus on all aspects of adaptive and learning agents and multiagent systems with a particular amphasis on how to modify established learning techniques and/or create new learning paradigms to address the many challenges presented by complex real-world problems. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Novel combinations of reinforcement and supervised learning approaches
Integrated learning approaches that work with other agent reasoning modules like negotiation, trust models, coordination, etc.
Supervised multiagent learning
Reinforcement learning (single and multiagent)
Planning (single and multiagent)
Reasoning (single and multiagent)
Distributed learning
Adaptation and learning in dynamic environments
Evolution of agents in complex environments
Co-evolution of agents in a multiagent setting
Cooperative exploration and learning to cooperate and collaborate
Learning trust and reputation
Communication restrictions and their impact on multiagent coordination
Design of reward structure and fitness measures for coordination
Scaling learning techniques to large systems of learning and adaptive agents
Emergent behaviour in adaptive multiagent systems
Game theoretical analysis of adaptive multiagent systems
Neuro-control in multiagent systems
Bio-inspired multiagent systems
Applications of adaptive and learning agents and multiagents systems to real world complex systems
Other CFPs
- Multi-Agent-Based Simulation (MABS) workshop
- 2nd International Workshop on Issues with Deployment of Emerging Agent-based Systems (IDEAS'2016)
- 3rd Workshop on Exploring Beyond the Worst Case in Computational Social Choice (EXPLORE 2016)
- Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems (ARMS) 2016
Last modified: 2015-12-05 21:38:45