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MOBILITY 2016 - Sixth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources, and Users

Date2016-05-22 - 2016-05-26


VenueValencia, Spain Spain



Topics/Call fo Papers

All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.
Mobile architectures, mechanisms, protocols
Mobility and wireless; Mobility enabling protocols; Mobile software; Service composition in mobile environments; Knowledge and service discovery in mobile environments; On-demand mobility; User presence in mobile environments; Replication in mobile environments; Middleware for mobile environments; Internet and mobility; Software architecture for mobile applications
Mobile networking and management
Fundamentals of mobile networks; Mobile-Fixed interworking; Heterogenous networks; Beyond IMT-A; Mobile network virtualization; Femtocells and relays; Mobile cells; Mobile network sharing and network access; Self-management of mobile networks; Mobility management; Access control in mobile environments; Advanced roaming concepts; Mobile network edge-based service delivery platforms; Mobile content delivery networks; Mobile peer-to-peer systems; Mobile VPNs; Quality of experience in mobile networks
Mobile devices and services
Smart mobile devices; Embedded mobile; Sensors and mobiles; Mobile media, mobile content; Mobile applications (mobile learning, mobile healthcare, etc.); Mobile games; Mobile business; Mobile Web applications; Apps versus Web; Novel software concepts for mobile services; Mobile- and micro payment; mCommerce
Mobile prosumers and interfaces
User interaction and mobility; Mobile communities; Mobile Web interfaces and interaction techniques; Implementations and experimental mobile systems; Mobile Web; Mobile search and advertising
Mobile Internet of Things
Future mobile Internet; Internet of Things; Machine to Machine, People, Business (M2x); Online; Smart Homes; Smart Cities
Vehicular mobile technology
Architectures and platforms; Vehicular ad hoc networks; Vehicular routing metrics and supporting protocols; Mobility management and topology control; Standardization of vehicular networks; User aspects; Business enablers
Challenges in mobile environments
Security and privacy environments; Protection and safety of distributed mobile data; Context-aware mobility and privacy; Mobile emergency communication and public safety; Location-based services; Micro-payments; Accuracy and preciseness in localizing mobile entities

Last modified: 2015-12-05 18:14:59