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ICITCCT 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing Technologies

Date2016-04-14 - 2016-04-15


VenueThe Holiday Inn Express Hotel, Singapore Singapore

KeywordsInternet; Information System; Communication Technologies


Topics/Call fo Papers

3G/4G wireless billing systems, GPRS billing, etc
Ad hoc and wireless sensors networks
Advances in satellite communication
Cloud computing and applications
Cluster computing and performance
Cognitive radio applications and spectrum management
Congestion and admission control
Cross-layer optimizations in wireless networks
Data warehouse and applications
Database and system security
Delay tolerant network
Design and analysis of wireless LAN/WAN
Energy awareness in communication systems
Grid computing
Internet and web applications
Internet of things (IoT)
Interoperability of heterogeneous wireless networks of different standards
Intrusion detection system
IP multimedia subsystems (IMS)
Mobile computing
Multimedia communication
Multimedia communications over wireless
Nanodevices, nanotechnology, and MEMS

Last modified: 2015-12-04 13:58:38