QoSEWMC 2016 - First International Workshop on QoS and Energy-aware Algorithms and Protocols in Wireless and Mobile Communications QoSEWMC 2016
Topics/Call fo Papers
The applications used in the different wireless and mobile communications may require guarantees of some QoS parameters like throughput, delay, losses rate, jitter, etc. The QoS can be defined as a set of parameters or necessary services that must be performed in order to optimize the communications performance. The performance of such parameters tends to degrade since they are confronted to diverse and frequent problems, such as broken connections, the problems of the hidden node and exposed node, collisions, poor energy, etc. Also, in such communications, the mobiles are designed to work for months or years (for example, sensor networks). Their energy must be used efficiently in order to maximize the duration of the communications. We see appearing specificity of some protocols, such as MAC, routing and transport by giving more importance for the QoS and Energy aspects.
In this workshop, researchers are encouraged to submit papers focused on the design, development, analysis or optimization of protocols and solutions for better performance of wireless and communications in term of QoS and energy efficiency. This workshop targets to gather researchers from academia and industrial sectors to present analytical research, simulations, practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, and advances in communication protocols, QoS and energy efficiency in mobile ad hoc networks. The topics suggested by the workshop can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, protocols, solutions, deployments, implementations, running experiments and applications.
Papers describing original, previously unpublished research work, experimental efforts, practical experiences, and industrial and commercial developments in all aspects of QoS and Energy for Wireless Computing Systems (WCMs) are solicited.
The chairs of QoSE-WMC 2016 are seeking original papers on research and development topics in the field of the topics listed below. Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit original technical papers up to 6 pages of length. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and their authors will provide an oral presentation, as scheduled in the conference program
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be included in the www.thinkmind.org digital library. Selected papers will further be considered for possible publication in specialized journals. For more information, visit http://www.iariajournals.org/
Note: A recipient for a best paper award will be selected.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Wireless and mobiles solutions for QoS support and Energy efficient in WMCs
Future generations of wireless and mobile communications protocols
QoS and energy-aware MAC protocols and algorithms for WMCs
QoS and energy-aware routing protocols and algorithms for WMCs
QoS and energy-aware transport protocols and algorithms for WMCs
QoS and energy cross-layers solutions for WMCs
Optimization and geometric solutions for better QoS and Energy insurance in WMCs
Communication protocols aware QoS and Energy in Ad hoc, Vehicular and Robotic Networks
Communication protocols aware QoS and Energy in E-health and IoT areas
Algorithms and approaches oriented QoS and energy for WMCs
Evaluation and optimization of QoS and Energy solutions in WMCs
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to one of the IARIA Journals.
In this workshop, researchers are encouraged to submit papers focused on the design, development, analysis or optimization of protocols and solutions for better performance of wireless and communications in term of QoS and energy efficiency. This workshop targets to gather researchers from academia and industrial sectors to present analytical research, simulations, practical results, position papers addressing the pros and cons of specific proposals, and advances in communication protocols, QoS and energy efficiency in mobile ad hoc networks. The topics suggested by the workshop can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, standards, protocols, solutions, deployments, implementations, running experiments and applications.
Papers describing original, previously unpublished research work, experimental efforts, practical experiences, and industrial and commercial developments in all aspects of QoS and Energy for Wireless Computing Systems (WCMs) are solicited.
The chairs of QoSE-WMC 2016 are seeking original papers on research and development topics in the field of the topics listed below. Prospective authors are cordially invited to submit original technical papers up to 6 pages of length. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and their authors will provide an oral presentation, as scheduled in the conference program
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be included in the www.thinkmind.org digital library. Selected papers will further be considered for possible publication in specialized journals. For more information, visit http://www.iariajournals.org/
Note: A recipient for a best paper award will be selected.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Wireless and mobiles solutions for QoS support and Energy efficient in WMCs
Future generations of wireless and mobile communications protocols
QoS and energy-aware MAC protocols and algorithms for WMCs
QoS and energy-aware routing protocols and algorithms for WMCs
QoS and energy-aware transport protocols and algorithms for WMCs
QoS and energy cross-layers solutions for WMCs
Optimization and geometric solutions for better QoS and Energy insurance in WMCs
Communication protocols aware QoS and Energy in Ad hoc, Vehicular and Robotic Networks
Communication protocols aware QoS and Energy in E-health and IoT areas
Algorithms and approaches oriented QoS and energy for WMCs
Evaluation and optimization of QoS and Energy solutions in WMCs
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to one of the IARIA Journals.
Other CFPs
- Twelfth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications ICWMC 2016
- Eleventh International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology
- 2016 Workshop on Distributional Semantics and Linguistic Theory
- 11th International Network Conference 2016
- 2016 International Symposium on Life Science & Biological Engineering
Last modified: 2015-11-18 12:30:32