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APCS 2015 - Asia Pacific Communications Summit

Date2015-11-19 - 2015-11-20


VenueHong Kong, Hong Kong SAR Hong Kong SAR



Topics/Call fo Papers

At the first Asia-Pacific Communications Summit ? to be held on the 19th and 20th of November in Hong Kong ? 40 world-class speakers from a wide range of industries and nationalities will take to the stage and present their views on the changing role of communicators in an increasingly digitalised age. Based on their own experiences as communicators, they will focus on four critical responsibilities across numerous interactive sessions:
1. Chief Reputation Officer 2. Trusted Partner 3. Content Captain 4. Dialogue Specialist
We welcome all senior-level, in-house communicators and public affairs professionals from across Asia-Pacific to discuss the next era of communications with us!

Last modified: 2015-11-01 23:21:40