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Eurocrypt 2016 - 35th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques

Date2016-05-08 - 2016-05-12


VenueVienna, Austria Austria



Topics/Call fo Papers

Submissions must be at most 30 pages using Springer's LNCS format, excluding any supplementary material (formerly known as appendices). Clearly marked supplementary material may follow after the main body of the submission, or can be submitted as a separate file. This may also include program code or experimental data. Details on the Springer LNCS format can be obtained via For accepted papers the length of the final version for Springer's LNCS will be at most 30 pages including title, abstract, references and appendices, in the llncs class format.
It is encouraged that the submission be processed in LaTeX2e according to the instructions listed on Springer. These instructions are mandatory for the final, camera-ready versions. Submitted papers must be in PDF format and submitted electronically via the submission server. The list of authors should include all those, and only those, who have contributed to the submission. Submission deadline: October 8th, 2015, 10:00 UTC.
The submission must be anonymous with no author names, affiliations or obvious references. It should begin with a title, a short abstract, and an introduction. The introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper at the level understandable for a non-expert reader. The submission should be intelligible without the supplementary material, as reviewers are not required to access the supplementary material.
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published in a journal or a conference/workshop with proceedings, or has submitted/is planning to submit to a journal or other conferences/workshops with proceedings before notification of Eurocrypt. Accepted submissions may not appear in any other conference or workshop that has proceedings. IACR reserves the right to share information about submissions with other program committees to detect parallel submissions and the IACR policy on irregular submissions will be strictly enforced. For further details, see
Submissions not meeting these guidelines may be rejected without consideration of their merits. In particular, the Springer LNCS format must be used without changing margins or default fonts.
Program committee members are allowed to submit one paper, and a second one if both submissions are co-authored. Any PC member submission will be held to higher standards than other submissions. Program chairs are not allowed to submit.
We will run a two stage reviewing process, i.e. the committee will issue rejections for some papers after round one in case we do not see any support for a revision through a rebuttal, and will invite authors of papers that make it into round two to write rebuttals. These rebuttals will be then taken into account for the second discussion phase and the decision.
The schedule is as follows:
Submission deadline: October 8th, 2015 (10:00 UTC)
First round notification: December 10th, 2015
Rebuttals due: December 15th, 2015
Final notifications of acceptance or rejection: January 25th, 2016
Final version due: February 21st, 2016

Last modified: 2015-08-29 14:26:56