ONS 2015 - 2nd EOS Topical Meeting on Optics at the Nanoscale (ONS’15)
Topics/Call fo Papers
New properties in nanoscale structures can be dramati-cally tuned with size and shape of the nanostructures. Completely different optical behaviors are produced compared to the bulk counterparts, such as narrow line widths for emission, solar energy conversion, etc.
Indeed materials and applications require strong effort to develop spectroscopy and microscopy tools allowing visualization and manipulation of optical properties with nanoscale resolution.
Optics at Nanoscale is a Topical Meeting that covers a spectrum from applied to basic research of this domain providing a forum for all the aspects with the purpose of advancing the state-of-the-art of nanoscale optics.
Imaging: functional imaging, methods, enhanced resolution
Materials: metamaterials, photonics crystals, plasmonics, nano-engineered materials, graphene, nonlinearities
Concepts & functions: Optical magnetism, optical mimetism
Quantum optics at the nanoscale: sources, detectors
General Chairs
Didier Felbacq, University of Montpellier (FR)
Vito Mocella, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)
Concita Sibilia, Sapienza Università di Roma (IT)
Technical Committee
Mario Agio, CNR-INO (IT)
Sophie Brasselet, Institut Fresnel (FR)
Emanuela Esposito, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)
Javier García de Abajo
Philippe Lalanne, Institut d'Optique (FR)
Kauranen Martti
G. Shvets, Univ. of Texas, Austin (US)
N. Van Hulst, ICFO (ES)
Anatoly Zayats, King’s College (GB)
Plenary Speakers
Eli Yablonovitch, University of California (USA), “Optical-Antenna-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission”
Leigh Canham, PSiMedica Ltd (UK), "Efficient visible luminescence from silicon nanostructures"
Nikolay I. Zheludev, University of Southampton (UK) and TPI & Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies , NTU Singapore, “On-demand optical properties at any given point in space and at any moment of time”
Preliminary Invited Speakers list:
Anatoly Zayats, King’s College (GB)
Philippe Ben-Abdallah, Institut d'Optique Graduate School (FR)
Richard De La Rue, University of Glasgow (UK)
Clivia Sotomayor, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ES)
P. Lalanne, Institut d'Optique (FR)
Fabio Bovino, Selex (IT)
Stefano Cabrini, Lawrence Berkely Labs (US)
Indeed materials and applications require strong effort to develop spectroscopy and microscopy tools allowing visualization and manipulation of optical properties with nanoscale resolution.
Optics at Nanoscale is a Topical Meeting that covers a spectrum from applied to basic research of this domain providing a forum for all the aspects with the purpose of advancing the state-of-the-art of nanoscale optics.
Imaging: functional imaging, methods, enhanced resolution
Materials: metamaterials, photonics crystals, plasmonics, nano-engineered materials, graphene, nonlinearities
Concepts & functions: Optical magnetism, optical mimetism
Quantum optics at the nanoscale: sources, detectors
General Chairs
Didier Felbacq, University of Montpellier (FR)
Vito Mocella, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)
Concita Sibilia, Sapienza Università di Roma (IT)
Technical Committee
Mario Agio, CNR-INO (IT)
Sophie Brasselet, Institut Fresnel (FR)
Emanuela Esposito, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT)
Javier García de Abajo
Philippe Lalanne, Institut d'Optique (FR)
Kauranen Martti
G. Shvets, Univ. of Texas, Austin (US)
N. Van Hulst, ICFO (ES)
Anatoly Zayats, King’s College (GB)
Plenary Speakers
Eli Yablonovitch, University of California (USA), “Optical-Antenna-Enhanced Spontaneous Emission”
Leigh Canham, PSiMedica Ltd (UK), "Efficient visible luminescence from silicon nanostructures"
Nikolay I. Zheludev, University of Southampton (UK) and TPI & Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies , NTU Singapore, “On-demand optical properties at any given point in space and at any moment of time”
Preliminary Invited Speakers list:
Anatoly Zayats, King’s College (GB)
Philippe Ben-Abdallah, Institut d'Optique Graduate School (FR)
Richard De La Rue, University of Glasgow (UK)
Clivia Sotomayor, Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ES)
P. Lalanne, Institut d'Optique (FR)
Fabio Bovino, Selex (IT)
Stefano Cabrini, Lawrence Berkely Labs (US)
Other CFPs
- 6th EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems (O?S’15)
- Webinar On FDA Inspection and Medical Device Design Control
- Webinar On Application of Lean Six Sigma Methodology for Regulated Industries
- Webinar On Pharmaceutical Quality Management System - Applying the Principles of Lean Documents and Lean Configuration
- Webinar On Process Capability vs Process Performance - Understanding the Practical Difference
Last modified: 2015-06-26 22:17:08