Aeromechanics 2016 - Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift
Date2016-01-20 - 2016-01-22
VenueHoliday Inn at Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California, USA - United States
Topics/Call fo Papers
The 2016 AHS Technical Meeting on Aeromechanics Design for Vertical Lift provides a forum to discuss newly emerging challenges in rotorcraft aeromechanics for future vertical lift configurations, and how they influence the design methodologies and decisions. Aeromechanics encompasses the technical disciplines of dynamics, aerodynamics, acoustics and flight mechanics, all of which are strong drivers in the design process.
The General Chair for this conference is Dr. Wayne Johnson, NASA Ames Research Center, 650-604-2242, and the Technical Chair is Dr. Mahendra J. Bhagwat, U.S. Army Aviation Development Directorate - Aeroflightdynamics Directorate, 650-604-2893.
Papers are invited in all areas related to rotorcraft aeromechanics and design, including both manned and unmanned vertical lift aerial vehicles. In particular, papers describing new rotorcraft designs and application of advanced aeromechanics technologies to design are emphasized. Papers describing revolutionary rotorcraft concepts and emerging aeromechanics technologies to meet operational requirements of advanced vertical lift aircraft are welcome. Papers that include analytical developments, experimental studies, and correlation/validation efforts are encouraged. Analytical papers may range from basic aerodynamic flows and structural dynamics to comprehensive analyses and high-fidelity computational methods. Experimental papers may span model- to full-scale wind tunnel and flight test programs as well as ground-based flight simulations. Test and evaluation studies enabling insight and improvement in rotorcraft design and aeromechanics characteristics are desired. Finally, the synergy of rotorcraft sizing codes, multidisciplinary aeromechanics analysis, and optimization is of interest.
The General Chair for this conference is Dr. Wayne Johnson, NASA Ames Research Center, 650-604-2242, and the Technical Chair is Dr. Mahendra J. Bhagwat, U.S. Army Aviation Development Directorate - Aeroflightdynamics Directorate, 650-604-2893.
Papers are invited in all areas related to rotorcraft aeromechanics and design, including both manned and unmanned vertical lift aerial vehicles. In particular, papers describing new rotorcraft designs and application of advanced aeromechanics technologies to design are emphasized. Papers describing revolutionary rotorcraft concepts and emerging aeromechanics technologies to meet operational requirements of advanced vertical lift aircraft are welcome. Papers that include analytical developments, experimental studies, and correlation/validation efforts are encouraged. Analytical papers may range from basic aerodynamic flows and structural dynamics to comprehensive analyses and high-fidelity computational methods. Experimental papers may span model- to full-scale wind tunnel and flight test programs as well as ground-based flight simulations. Test and evaluation studies enabling insight and improvement in rotorcraft design and aeromechanics characteristics are desired. Finally, the synergy of rotorcraft sizing codes, multidisciplinary aeromechanics analysis, and optimization is of interest.
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2015-06-25 22:54:34