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Atto-Nets 2015 - Workshop on Broadband Wireless Communication between Computer Boards (Atto-Nets)

Date2015-10-04 - 2015-10-07


VenueMontreal, Canada Canada



Topics/Call fo Papers

Workshop on Broadband Wireless Communication between Computer Boards
The Workshop on Broadband Wireless Communication between Computer Boards
(Atto-Nets) will be held in conjunction with the 15th edition of the
IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband
ICUWB’2015 in Montreal, Canada, from October 4th to 7th, 2015.
Driven by the needs of future multi-processor server architectures that
support flexible highly adaptive energy-efficient high-performance
computing, the main challenge considered in this workshop is to design
high-performance, rate-adaptive, and energy-efficient communication
architectures between the individual processors on different boards.
To enable high data rates of up to 100 Gbit/s, we consider carrier
frequencies in the range of 180 GHz to 300 GHz and a transmission
bandwidth of 30 GHz. Such high carrier frequencies pose many challenging
technological problems across all levels of the transceiver design,
ranging from the required semiconductor technology, over circuit design
of the radio frequency front-end up to the digital baseband. The high
carrier frequency poses challenging requirements for the underlying
process technology as operating frequencies up to 300 GHz are required.
The design of the radio front-end is challenging due to the high carrier
frequency as well as due to the required energy efficiency. Quantization
with low bit rates, low latency channel coding, and analog beamforming
are concepts relevant to the physical layer design. In the higher-level
communication architecture, compute nodes are assumed to consist of 3D
stacked processor chips with thousands of cores and local memory
offering massive intra-node parallelism. This leads to multi-flow
multi-hop concurrent communication within the computing platform and to
several interesting design challenges regarding forward, routing,
network coding, and many more.
The workshop will bring together academic researchers and industrial
professionals to identify and discuss technical challenges and recent
results related to Broadband Wireless Communication between Computer
Boards. Position papers, technology overviews, and case studies are also
welcome. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
? Short-range high data-rate mmWave communications
? Short-range mmWave antenna and RF design
? Circuits for energy-efficient mmWave: LNA, LPA, ADC, DAC
? Signal processing for short-range mmWave
? Multi-hop wireless short-range low-delay communications
? Energy-efficient 1-bit quantization
? Low-latency channel coding and decoding
? Cross-layer resource allocation for energy-efficient multi-hop
? Analog and digital network coding for broadband wireless between boards
? Safety and security in wireless board-to-board communications
Workshop submissions June 30th, 2015
Workshop decisions July 31st, 2015
Camera-ready submissions August 15th, 2015
Author registration August 15th, 2015
Eduard Jorswieck and Gerhard Fettweis
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband
General Chairs: Sofiene Affes and Charles Despins
TPC Chairs: Fabrice Labeau, Abdel Sebak, and Alex Stephenne

Last modified: 2015-06-16 22:15:26