Bigdata 2015 - Workshop On Big Data Analytics
Topics/Call fo Papers
Workshop On Big Data Analytics
Date : August 20
Venue: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (basic html view)
Important Date: Early Registration Ends on 7th AUGUST, 2015
This is to inform you we shall organize a "Workshop on Big Data
Analytics 2015" on August 20 and 21, 2015 at Platinum Jubilee Building
Auditorium, ISI Kolkata.
The workshop includes topics related to distributed machine learning
in big data, big data and high dimensional data analysis, map reduce
frame work and hadoop system, and future of big data research. The
lectures will be of tutorial level.
The following TOPICS will be covered in workshop.
"From Big Text to Big Knowledge"
By Prof. Partha Pratim Talukdar
"Distributed Machine Learning and Big Data"
By Prof. Sourangshu Bhattacharya
"Big Data and High Dimensional Data Analysis"
By Prof. B. L. S. Prakasa Rao
"Distributed Deep Learning Implementation over Spark and Applications"
By Dr. Vijay Srinivas A
"Introduction to the Map-Reduce framework and the Hadoop EcoSystem"
By Himanshu Gupta
"Analysis of high-velocity data streams"
By Prof. Saumyadipta Pyne
"Big Data: Opportunities Ahead" By Dr. Murali Mohan K. R. (Yet
to send his final confirmation)
Date : August 20
Venue: Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (basic html view)
Important Date: Early Registration Ends on 7th AUGUST, 2015
This is to inform you we shall organize a "Workshop on Big Data
Analytics 2015" on August 20 and 21, 2015 at Platinum Jubilee Building
Auditorium, ISI Kolkata.
The workshop includes topics related to distributed machine learning
in big data, big data and high dimensional data analysis, map reduce
frame work and hadoop system, and future of big data research. The
lectures will be of tutorial level.
The following TOPICS will be covered in workshop.
"From Big Text to Big Knowledge"
By Prof. Partha Pratim Talukdar
"Distributed Machine Learning and Big Data"
By Prof. Sourangshu Bhattacharya
"Big Data and High Dimensional Data Analysis"
By Prof. B. L. S. Prakasa Rao
"Distributed Deep Learning Implementation over Spark and Applications"
By Dr. Vijay Srinivas A
"Introduction to the Map-Reduce framework and the Hadoop EcoSystem"
By Himanshu Gupta
"Analysis of high-velocity data streams"
By Prof. Saumyadipta Pyne
"Big Data: Opportunities Ahead" By Dr. Murali Mohan K. R. (Yet
to send his final confirmation)
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2015-06-16 07:21:24