ROGE 2016 - 6th International Conference of the Restructuring of the Global Economy
Date2016-06-20 - 2016-06-21
VenueUniversity of oxford, St Catherine's College, UK - United Kingdom
Topics/Call fo Papers
Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM)
London, United Kingdom
6th International Conference of the Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE) 20-21st June 2016, University of Oxford, UK
It gives us immense please to inform you that Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM) will be hosting 6th International Conference of the Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE) at the University of Oxford, UK during 20-21st June, 2016.
The Conference seeks to elucidate a wealth of issues in all aspects of business management. Contributions should therefore be of interest to scholars, practitioners and researchers in management in both developed and developing countries targeting a worldwide readership.
Conference Theme
Restructuring of the Global Economy
Ever since the publication of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) report by Goldman Sachs in 2001, the debate about the role of emerging countries vs. the developed countries in shaping global business has gathered momentum. A revised version of the same report entitled “BRICs and Beyond” by the same authors, with upward revision of certain growth projections, has added further fuel to the debate so much so that by now, most countries have accepted that the world economy is in transition. In other words, the countries as above joined by others such as South Korea, Mexico and to some extent the major Arab countries and Iran and Indonesia will exert a much greater influence in world affairs aided by their increasing economic power. The developed countries, led obviously by the major economies of USA, Japan, Germany, Britain, France and others (the so-called G-7/8 group of nations) have accepted that their dominance in shaping world opinion will be shelved as the growth gradient of the emerging economies becomes increasingly steeper.
It is but natural that such a changing economic scenario calls for fresh thinking towards development of policies examining macroeconomic stability as well as framing of strategies by firms irrespective of their sizes. Multinationals and SMEs, all will be involved in formulating strategies to compete effectively and grow- whether they belong to agriculture, industry or service sectors. There is intense pressure on both governments and businesses to perform and deliver. In such a scenario, alternative and perhaps controversial-policies and strategies will need to be thought out and placed before the decision making bodies.
Contributions are invited in the areas including but not limited to:
? Strategic management
? Finance and accounting
? Economics
? Marketing and consumer behaviour
? Human resource management
? Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship
? Organization behaviour
? International management
? Management in Emerging & Frontier Markets
? Operations management
? Technology and Innovations management
? Knowledge Management
? Public and not-for-profit management
? General management
Authors may consider the above listed areas; however if they wish to develop a special session around a specific topic, the information is available in the call for submissions document. Individuals may also register and attend the conference as a participant without submitting or presenting any work.
Conference Objectives
1. To elucidate an issue that is becoming ever more important as global economies become intertwined.
2. To learn more of the key concepts and frameworks from all disciplines regarding wide range of contemporary issues in business and management.
3. To consider the pedagogy for teaching the issue of business & management, including recommendations about topics, syllabi and course materials.
4. To meet, mingle and network with professionals and colleagues from all over the world.
5. To expand opportunities for sharing knowledge between developed economies and emerging economies
6. To foster and nurture the economic development of all nations
7. To encourage cultural exchange and develop amity among countries
Benefits to Conference Participants
? Learn and acquire cutting edge international knowledge in various disciplines of management from internationally reputed experts.
? Recognition of your work on international platform as a participant or paper/poster presenter.
? All accepted abstract/full papers will be published in the conference proceedings both print and online version titled “The Business and Management Review”. (Print )ISSN-2047-2854 and (Online) ISSN 2051-8498
? Potentially identify your future collaborative partner among international, vibrant and scholarly audience.
? Conference attendee voting will determine recipients of conference Best Paper awards which will be Considered for journal publication
Draft Submission Deadline: 30th April 2016
Final Paper Submission Deadline: 27th May 2016
Publication Release: 20th June 2016
Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM)
London, United Kingdom
6th International Conference of the Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE) 20-21st June 2016, University of Oxford, UK
It gives us immense please to inform you that Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM) will be hosting 6th International Conference of the Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE) at the University of Oxford, UK during 20-21st June, 2016.
The Conference seeks to elucidate a wealth of issues in all aspects of business management. Contributions should therefore be of interest to scholars, practitioners and researchers in management in both developed and developing countries targeting a worldwide readership.
Conference Theme
Restructuring of the Global Economy
Ever since the publication of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) report by Goldman Sachs in 2001, the debate about the role of emerging countries vs. the developed countries in shaping global business has gathered momentum. A revised version of the same report entitled “BRICs and Beyond” by the same authors, with upward revision of certain growth projections, has added further fuel to the debate so much so that by now, most countries have accepted that the world economy is in transition. In other words, the countries as above joined by others such as South Korea, Mexico and to some extent the major Arab countries and Iran and Indonesia will exert a much greater influence in world affairs aided by their increasing economic power. The developed countries, led obviously by the major economies of USA, Japan, Germany, Britain, France and others (the so-called G-7/8 group of nations) have accepted that their dominance in shaping world opinion will be shelved as the growth gradient of the emerging economies becomes increasingly steeper.
It is but natural that such a changing economic scenario calls for fresh thinking towards development of policies examining macroeconomic stability as well as framing of strategies by firms irrespective of their sizes. Multinationals and SMEs, all will be involved in formulating strategies to compete effectively and grow- whether they belong to agriculture, industry or service sectors. There is intense pressure on both governments and businesses to perform and deliver. In such a scenario, alternative and perhaps controversial-policies and strategies will need to be thought out and placed before the decision making bodies.
Contributions are invited in the areas including but not limited to:
? Strategic management
? Finance and accounting
? Economics
? Marketing and consumer behaviour
? Human resource management
? Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship
? Organization behaviour
? International management
? Management in Emerging & Frontier Markets
? Operations management
? Technology and Innovations management
? Knowledge Management
? Public and not-for-profit management
? General management
Authors may consider the above listed areas; however if they wish to develop a special session around a specific topic, the information is available in the call for submissions document. Individuals may also register and attend the conference as a participant without submitting or presenting any work.
Conference Objectives
1. To elucidate an issue that is becoming ever more important as global economies become intertwined.
2. To learn more of the key concepts and frameworks from all disciplines regarding wide range of contemporary issues in business and management.
3. To consider the pedagogy for teaching the issue of business & management, including recommendations about topics, syllabi and course materials.
4. To meet, mingle and network with professionals and colleagues from all over the world.
5. To expand opportunities for sharing knowledge between developed economies and emerging economies
6. To foster and nurture the economic development of all nations
7. To encourage cultural exchange and develop amity among countries
Benefits to Conference Participants
? Learn and acquire cutting edge international knowledge in various disciplines of management from internationally reputed experts.
? Recognition of your work on international platform as a participant or paper/poster presenter.
? All accepted abstract/full papers will be published in the conference proceedings both print and online version titled “The Business and Management Review”. (Print )ISSN-2047-2854 and (Online) ISSN 2051-8498
? Potentially identify your future collaborative partner among international, vibrant and scholarly audience.
? Conference attendee voting will determine recipients of conference Best Paper awards which will be Considered for journal publication
Draft Submission Deadline: 30th April 2016
Final Paper Submission Deadline: 27th May 2016
Publication Release: 20th June 2016
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Globalisation & Emerging Economies
- International Conference on Business & Economic Development
- International Energy Conference
- Second International Conference on Advanced Computing (ADCO-2015)
- Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEAS-2015)
Last modified: 2015-06-15 22:49:56