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Crowd 2015 - Fourth Workshop on Emerging Problem- specific Crowdsourcing Technologies

Date2015-10-21 - 2015-10-23


VenueJeju Island, South Korea South Korea



Topics/Call fo Papers

In the recent period, the potential of crowdsourcing in business and social context ,? enterprise resource planning software? (Leimeister et al) and many other fields are visualized to systematically design and implement? the Information Technology -based ideas? and to deploy in many newer intelligent applications. Crowdsourcing deployment not only addresses the access to systems and connections, but adds discussions and research in the problem- specific skills and technologies.
Crowdsourcing as an online distributed problem-solving and production model has potential to pull creators and innovators for creating a new generation of collective intelligence. To address the potential of Crowdsourcing and to create a newer forum, the workshop on "Emerging problem- specific Crowdsourcing Technologies' is planned.
The workshop solicits contributions in the themes below- (but not confined)
CrowdSourcing in
Open innovations and open source
Software models
Theory development and designs
Data Mining
Enterprise resource planning
Business to Business
Web technologies etc

Last modified: 2015-06-01 21:40:44