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MOOCs 2015 - 2015 Learning with MOOCs Workshop

Date2015-10-02 - 2015-10-03


VenueNew York City, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

Second Learning with MOOCs: A Practitioners Workshop, to be held at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City, October 2-3, 2015. You are invited to submit a one- to two-page description of work completed within MOOC settings for discussion at the workshop.
This workshop plans to bring together educators, technologists, researchers, learning scientists, entrepreneurs, and funders of MOOCs to share their innovations, discuss the impact on education and to answer practical questions such as: How can we best support student learning in MOOC environments? How can MOOCs be successfully integrated with the traditional classroom experience? For which students and in what contexts are these courses most effective? What can we learn from the rich data streams generated by these platforms? How do we structure the learning activities to produce data streams that better support research and learning?
Topics include, but are not restricted to:
* Creating and teaching with MOOCs
* Novel pedagogical processes with MOOCs
* Tools for collaboration, feedback, testing and content delivery
* Best practices in MOOCs
* Learning from experiments with MOOCs (including both successes and failures)
* Metrics of success for learners and instructors of MOOCs
* On-campus use of MOOCs
* Evaluation of MOOCs
* Learning analytics and MOOCs
* Interactive activities in MOOCs
* Challenges facing MOOCs
* Expanding the learner community with MOOCs
* Learning research based on MOOCs
* Open content /open licensing and MOOCs
* Revenue, funding, and financial models
* Intellectual property, licenses, ownership
* Learner voices
* Transcription, captions, and translation issues
* Partnership opportunities ? local, national, international
* Media production best practices ? for distribution and preservation
* MOOCs viewed as, and connecting to, communities of inquiry and practice
* Credentialing and MOOCs
We invite researchers and practitioners interested in coming together to discuss these issues to submit a description of work (one to two pages) they have done related to MOOCs. These descriptions should include interesting findings that they have learned through their work that they believe would be valuable to share with other practitioners and researchers, and/or a question or challenges that they confronted that they would like to discuss with others.
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
Ryan Baker, Teachers College, Columbia University, Program Chair
Dragan Gasevic, University of Edinburgh, Program Chair
Elle Yuan Wang, Teachers College, Columbia University, Co-Program Chair
Key Dates:
Monday, July 20th, 2015: Submission deadline
Thursday, August 20th, 2015: Acceptance notification
Friday-Saturday, October 2-3, 2015: Conference
Submissions for the workshop are handled via Easy Chair, at

Last modified: 2015-05-22 22:25:53