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LightServ 2015 - 1st International Workshop on Lightweight Services in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (LightServ)



VenueTaormina, Italy Italy



Topics/Call fo Papers

Modelling and Use of Lightweight Services in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing
Web APIs and lightweight services, which rely on URIs for endpoint and resource identification, and HTTP for communication and message exchange, are becoming increasingly important in the context of developing service-oriented and cloud computing-based solutions. Cloud services, process models but also Web APIs are examples of building blocks, which can be assembled and combined to implement service-based systems. Driven by the new developments in this area, we can nowadays observe an increased need to provide theories, techniques, and tools to support the modelling and use of lightweight services in order to be able to to develop superior, more effective and efficient SOC-based systems. For instance, currently Web API use requires extensive manual effort, starting with the documentation search, its interpretation, implementation of test-invocation application, client applications and API mashups. Furthermore, in contrast to traditional Web services based on WSDL/SOAP, whose development is guided by standards, Web API providers implement and expose programmable interfaces over the Web, without necessarily conforming to established best practices or guidelines. As a result, monitoring and analytics become a tedious and time consuming task. This workshop focuses on current research in the fields of lightweight service modelling (e.g., functionality, inputs and outputs, SLA, pricing models, legal terms, standardisation efforts, process models), service analytics (e.g., capacity planning, metered usage, service compliance, performance optimisation, reliability prediction), and frameworks to compose services focusing on using Web APIs.
Summary of Relevant Topics
- Modelling and describing lightweight services
- Modelling and describing static and streaming data sources over Web APIs
- Analytics for lightweight services
- Identifying the essential building blocks for enabling integrated use of Web APIs
- Automated use of lightweight services
- Composition and deployment of lightweight service applications
- Architectures, solutions, applications, analytics, use cases of the above

Last modified: 2015-05-09 08:09:35