Miller readings 2015 - Miller readings
Date2015-10-18 - 2015-10-20
VenueNizhnevartovsk, Russia
KeywordsArchaeology; Biology; Geography
Topics/Call fo Papers
On October 18-20, 2015,
The Faculty of Humanities holds All-Russian Research and Practical Distance Conference with International Participation devoted to the celebration of the 310th anniversary of G.F. Miller
"The Miller readings: Finno-Ugric world in the Ancient Times, Middle Ages and Modern Period"
The conference will have the following sections:
1. Archaeology of Western Siberia;
2. Biology of Western Siberia;
3. Geography of Western Siberia;
4. Linguistics of Western Siberia;
5. Ethnography of Western Siberia;
6. Annexation and development of Siberia;
7. Explorers of the Western Siberia;
8. Theory and methods of teaching the history of Western Siberia.
To participate in the conference, please send your application and materials up to 5 pages for publication until September 1, 2015, to: 3b Mira st., Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area ? Yugra, Tyumen region, 628600, Russia. Nizhnevartovsk State University (NVSU), Faculty of Humanities, Department of History of Russia (Room 311). Tel. +7 (3466) 273510 ? Dean's Office; Conference Coordinator ? Mikhail M. Choref, Candidate of Historical Sciences (mobile: +79641709641)
Requirements to the submitted materials
Application Form:
1. Title of the report
2. Full name
3. Conference section
4. Place of work (study), position
5. Academic degree
6. Address, telephone number (fax)
7. E-mail
8. Required equipment
Please provide the following information in English:
1. Initials and surname
2. Academic degree
3. Place of work (including country and city code)
4. Title of the article
5. Abstract
6. Key words / phrases.
The abstracts shall be provided in electronic form in accordance with the requirements of the Publishing House of Nizhnevartovsk State University and published in original edition (Executive Editor - Mikhail M. Choref, Candidate of Historical Sciences).
Layout requirements:
The 1st line shall contain UDC code on the left
The 2nd line shall contain the author’s (s’) initials and surname
The 3rd line shall contain the title of the article in capital letters
The 4th line shall contain the information about the author(s)
Abstract and key words are provided both in Russian and English
The text of the article is originally prepared for a book format:
1. Text Editor - Word or Windows
2. Typeface - Times New Roman
3. Font - for text - 12 pt.
4. Single spacing
5. All margins around the text - 2 cm (left, right, top, bottom).
? The margins and page size are specified in Word in File/ Page Properties.
? The footnotes in the text are given in square brackets at the end of a sentence, with the number of the source on the reference list and a page number after a comma; a full stop in the end of the sentence is place after the brackets;
? The references are given in alphabetical order at the end of the article.
The electronic collection of conference materials is to be published by the beginning of the conference. The collection will be loaded into the RISC and SIS database.
The Organizational Committee
On October 18-20, 2015,
The Faculty of Humanities holds All-Russian Research and Practical Distance Conference with International Participation devoted to the celebration of the 310th anniversary of G.F. Miller
"The Miller readings: Finno-Ugric world in the Ancient Times, Middle Ages and Modern Period"
The conference will have the following sections:
1. Archaeology of Western Siberia;
2. Biology of Western Siberia;
3. Geography of Western Siberia;
4. Linguistics of Western Siberia;
5. Ethnography of Western Siberia;
6. Annexation and development of Siberia;
7. Explorers of the Western Siberia;
8. Theory and methods of teaching the history of Western Siberia.
To participate in the conference, please send your application and materials up to 5 pages for publication until September 1, 2015, to: 3b Mira st., Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area ? Yugra, Tyumen region, 628600, Russia. Nizhnevartovsk State University (NVSU), Faculty of Humanities, Department of History of Russia (Room 311). Tel. +7 (3466) 273510 ? Dean's Office; Conference Coordinator ? Mikhail M. Choref, Candidate of Historical Sciences (mobile: +79641709641)
Requirements to the submitted materials
Application Form:
1. Title of the report
2. Full name
3. Conference section
4. Place of work (study), position
5. Academic degree
6. Address, telephone number (fax)
7. E-mail
8. Required equipment
Please provide the following information in English:
1. Initials and surname
2. Academic degree
3. Place of work (including country and city code)
4. Title of the article
5. Abstract
6. Key words / phrases.
The abstracts shall be provided in electronic form in accordance with the requirements of the Publishing House of Nizhnevartovsk State University and published in original edition (Executive Editor - Mikhail M. Choref, Candidate of Historical Sciences).
Layout requirements:
The 1st line shall contain UDC code on the left
The 2nd line shall contain the author’s (s’) initials and surname
The 3rd line shall contain the title of the article in capital letters
The 4th line shall contain the information about the author(s)
Abstract and key words are provided both in Russian and English
The text of the article is originally prepared for a book format:
1. Text Editor - Word or Windows
2. Typeface - Times New Roman
3. Font - for text - 12 pt.
4. Single spacing
5. All margins around the text - 2 cm (left, right, top, bottom).
? The margins and page size are specified in Word in File/ Page Properties.
? The footnotes in the text are given in square brackets at the end of a sentence, with the number of the source on the reference list and a page number after a comma; a full stop in the end of the sentence is place after the brackets;
? The references are given in alphabetical order at the end of the article.
The electronic collection of conference materials is to be published by the beginning of the conference. The collection will be loaded into the RISC and SIS database.
The Organizational Committee
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Last modified: 2015-05-10 14:27:02