SNA / SMA 2015 - Social network and social media analysis (SNA / SMA)
Date2015-06-25 - 2015-06-26
VenueKarlskrona, Sweden
Topics/Call fo Papers
Track Chairs:
Piotr Bródka, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
Henric Johnson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Reda Alhajj, University of Calgary, Canada
Przemysław Kazienko, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
List of topics (the authors are not strictly limited to this list):
Application of social network and social media analysis
Big data approach to SNA / SMA
Blog and microblog analysis
Collaborative query processing and optimization
Community discovery and analysis in large scale social networks
Contextual social network analysis
Crowd sourcing
Cultural, anthropological and political aspects in SNA / SMA
Data acquisition and social relationship extraction for SNA/SMA
Data integration and identification in SNA / SMA
Data models for social networks and social media
Data protection and security issues in SNA / SMA
Deep web SNA / SMA
Dynamics of networks and social communities
Dynamics and patterns in social media data
Economic impact of social network discovery
Efficiency in SNA / SMA
Evaluation of SNA / SMA
Evolution of social networks and social media
Exchange networks
Graph-based algorithms for SNA/SMA
Impact of social networks on recommendations systems (overlaps the second track)
Information diffusion and spread of influence in social networks
Knowledge networks
Large graph and parallel processing
Machine learning methods for SNA / SMA
Measures, similarity and dissimilarity in SNA / SMA
Multi-agent based social network and social media modelling and analysis
Multiple / multilayer social network analysis
Multiple social network interaction and multiple media system correlation
Outlier and misbehaviour detection in SNA/SMA
Pattern discovery on the web data and in large organizations
Personalization in social services (overlaps the second track)
Privacy and security in SNA / SMA
Reasoning fort social and media data
Recommender systems in establishment of social relations (overlaps the second track)
Scalability of social networking, search algorithms and social media data processing
Sentiment analysis
Signed graphs and multigraphs in SNA / SMA
Simulations and computational models for social networks
Social intelligence
Social role identification
Social search analysis
Spatial networks
Statistical modelling of large networks
Trust networks and evolution of trust
Visual representation of dynamic social networks and social media evolution
Wikipedia-based data analysis
Track Programme Committee (tentative):
Harith Alanith, KMi, The Open University, UK
Martin Boldt, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Piotr Brodka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Bengt Carlsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Michele Coscia, Harvard University, USA
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Damien Fay, Bournemouth University, UK
Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Enrique Frias-Martinez, Telefonica Research, Spain
David Garcia, ETH, Switzerland
Nathan Griffiths, University of Warwick, UK
Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Jaroslaw Jankowski, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland
Tomasz Kajdanowicz, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Vassilis Kostakos, University of Oulu, Finland
Hishan Liu, LinkedIn, USA
Nadine Lucas, GREYC CNRS Caen University, France
Paul Lukowicz, University of Passau, Germany
Matteo Magnani, Uppsala University, Sweden
Stephane Marchand-Maillet, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dunja Mladenic, J.Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Katarzyna Musial-Gabrys, King’s College London, UK
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Symeon Papadopoulos, Information Technologies Institute, Greece
Zbigniew Smoreda, Orange Labs, France
Boleslaw Szymanski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Thanassis Tiropanis, University of Southampton, UK
Stefanos Vrochidis, Information Technologies Institute, Greece
Katarzyna Wegrzyn-Wolska, ESIGETEL, France
Baoshi Yan, LinkedIn, USA
John Yen, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Katharina Zweig, Kaiserslautern University, Germany
Anna Zygmunt, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Piotr Bródka, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
Henric Johnson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Reda Alhajj, University of Calgary, Canada
Przemysław Kazienko, Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
List of topics (the authors are not strictly limited to this list):
Application of social network and social media analysis
Big data approach to SNA / SMA
Blog and microblog analysis
Collaborative query processing and optimization
Community discovery and analysis in large scale social networks
Contextual social network analysis
Crowd sourcing
Cultural, anthropological and political aspects in SNA / SMA
Data acquisition and social relationship extraction for SNA/SMA
Data integration and identification in SNA / SMA
Data models for social networks and social media
Data protection and security issues in SNA / SMA
Deep web SNA / SMA
Dynamics of networks and social communities
Dynamics and patterns in social media data
Economic impact of social network discovery
Efficiency in SNA / SMA
Evaluation of SNA / SMA
Evolution of social networks and social media
Exchange networks
Graph-based algorithms for SNA/SMA
Impact of social networks on recommendations systems (overlaps the second track)
Information diffusion and spread of influence in social networks
Knowledge networks
Large graph and parallel processing
Machine learning methods for SNA / SMA
Measures, similarity and dissimilarity in SNA / SMA
Multi-agent based social network and social media modelling and analysis
Multiple / multilayer social network analysis
Multiple social network interaction and multiple media system correlation
Outlier and misbehaviour detection in SNA/SMA
Pattern discovery on the web data and in large organizations
Personalization in social services (overlaps the second track)
Privacy and security in SNA / SMA
Reasoning fort social and media data
Recommender systems in establishment of social relations (overlaps the second track)
Scalability of social networking, search algorithms and social media data processing
Sentiment analysis
Signed graphs and multigraphs in SNA / SMA
Simulations and computational models for social networks
Social intelligence
Social role identification
Social search analysis
Spatial networks
Statistical modelling of large networks
Trust networks and evolution of trust
Visual representation of dynamic social networks and social media evolution
Wikipedia-based data analysis
Track Programme Committee (tentative):
Harith Alanith, KMi, The Open University, UK
Martin Boldt, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Piotr Brodka, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Bengt Carlsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Michele Coscia, Harvard University, USA
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Damien Fay, Bournemouth University, UK
Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria, Italy
Enrique Frias-Martinez, Telefonica Research, Spain
David Garcia, ETH, Switzerland
Nathan Griffiths, University of Warwick, UK
Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Jaroslaw Jankowski, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland
Tomasz Kajdanowicz, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Vassilis Kostakos, University of Oulu, Finland
Hishan Liu, LinkedIn, USA
Nadine Lucas, GREYC CNRS Caen University, France
Paul Lukowicz, University of Passau, Germany
Matteo Magnani, Uppsala University, Sweden
Stephane Marchand-Maillet, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Dunja Mladenic, J.Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Katarzyna Musial-Gabrys, King’s College London, UK
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Symeon Papadopoulos, Information Technologies Institute, Greece
Zbigniew Smoreda, Orange Labs, France
Boleslaw Szymanski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Thanassis Tiropanis, University of Southampton, UK
Stefanos Vrochidis, Information Technologies Institute, Greece
Katarzyna Wegrzyn-Wolska, ESIGETEL, France
Baoshi Yan, LinkedIn, USA
John Yen, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Katharina Zweig, Kaiserslautern University, Germany
Anna Zygmunt, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
Other CFPs
- Second European Network Intelligence Conference
- 2015 Workshop on Designing Interaction and Visualization for Mobile Applications
- 2nd International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction
- 2015 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Computer Vision
- 7th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2015)
Last modified: 2015-03-25 23:09:12