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COSUE 2015 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (COSUE '15)

Date2015-09-20 - 2015-09-22


VenueMichigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:
Accreditation of Students and Universities
Advanced Educational Software and Hardware
Advanced Technology and Human Resource Issues
Agent-based Educational Technology
Architectures of Innovative Software and Hardware Systems for Education and Training
Authoring Tools and Methodology
Awards and Education
Basic Science in Engineering Education
Best Practices and Case Studies
Bridging the gap of Education and the Requirements of the Production
Changes and Challenges in Engineering Education.
Collaborative and Communication Software
Collaborative Knowledge Construction
Collaborative Learning, Collaborative Education
Computer-Assisted Learning and Instruction
Continuing Education
Continuous Collaboration of Industry and Education
Corporate Training
Curriculum Design and Development
Digital Libraries and Education
Distance Learning and Distance Teaching
Distributed computing and distributed data bases for education.
Distributed Learning Environments
Distributed multimedia and Networks for education
Economic Issues in Education
Education for Business and Industry
Education for Disabled Learners
Education in Information Technology
Education in Modern Management Systems
Education in National and International Organizations
Educational Hardware
Educational in Military Universities and Armed Forces
Educational Networks
Educational Software and Applications
Educational Software and Development
Educational Software/Hardware for People with Special Needs
Educational technologies for People with Special Needs
Educational technologies for Women and Minorities
Educational Textbooks through the WWW
E-Learning and E-Pedagogy
Election of Faculty Members via Web
Environment and educational technologies
E-School and E-University
Examinations and Tests via Internet.
Faculty and Professional Development
Globalization in education. Challenges and problems.
Grants, Funds, Prizes and Projects for the Advanced Education
Groupware Tools and Technologies
Human-Computer Interfaces
Impact of the E-Learning and E-Society
Infrastructure and Technology for Advanced Technological Education
Institutional Issues on Technology-based Education and Training
Integration of Computers, Internet, Multimedia for Educational Purposes.
Intellectual Property for Education
Intelligent Internet for Education
Intelligent Robots as Teachers
Interactive Learning Environments
International Collaboration and Projects
International Recognition of Qualifications.
Management of Educational Institutes
Methodologies in examinations and relevant problems.
Mobile Education and Mobile Communication
Mobile Learning and Evaluation
Mobile Teaching and Standardization
Modern Classroom Monitoring, New Horizons and Problems
Multimedia and Hypermedia Applications
Multimedia for Education, New Horizons and Problems
Multi-Teacher Courses and Technology
National Collaboration and Projects
National Policies and Standards
Networking, Reliability aspects for Education
New Learning and Teaching Theories
New Roles of Teachers, Instructors, Students, and Learners
New types of Examinations via Web
Online Universities: Advantages and Disadvantages.
Online Degree Programs (Credit and Non-Credit)
Online Dictionaries and Synchronous Translation
Online Scientific Labs
Policies on Technology-based Education
Policy and Law
Post-University Education and Training
Pricing and economic analysis of web-based systems for education.
Primary and Secondary Education
Privacy issues for education
Promotion of the Cultural Heritage through educational technologies.
Psychological Aspects and Relations between lecturers and students.
Psychologicy of Minorities in Education
Quality Assurance in Educational technologies
Reliability Issues in Education
Research on Advanced Technology in Education
Research on Innovative Technology-based Teaching and Learning
Resources and Funds in educational technologies.
Reusable Learning Objects and Standards
Security Aspects in Education
Social and cultural impact of modern communications for education.
Sociological Issues in Education
Special Conditions in Developing Countries
Standards in Learning and Teaching
Strategic Planning of an Advanced Education
Streaming Multimedia Technologies
Studies in Engineering and the needs of the Production and Market.
Supervision and Re-Organization of Laboratories with New Technologies.
Synschronous and Non-Synchronous E-Learning
Teacher Evaluation in an Integrated Educational Environment
Teacher Training and Support in an Integrated Educational Environment
Technology Centers in an Integrated Educational Environment
Technology-based Learning Communities in an Educational Environment
Technology-based Services in an Integrated Educational Environment
Televised Courses and Telecommunications
Transfer of Know-how for educational technologies
Ubiquitous Learning
Usability Issues
Virtual Reality and Modern Education
Virtual school, Virtual Classroom
Vocational Training
Web voting, Web banking, E-democracy, E-commerce, E-health services
Web-Management of education

Last modified: 2015-01-24 13:36:52