CEA 2015 - 9th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA '15)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:
Network Architecture
Network Design
Synchronous Networks
Parallel/Distributed architectures
Networks and interconnection networks
Optical Network Multi-layer Design
Fiber Design and Fabrication
Network Design Software
Design, and Infrastructure
Modelling and Simulation of Networks
Clusters and parallel systems
Data for supercomputers
Network architecture and convergence
Routing network access
Narrow band and broad band networks
Traffic control
Mobile networks and mobile services
Network management
Wireless networks
Digital broadcasting
Flow and congestion control
Multimedia transport protocols
Protocols and applications
Home computing and networking
QoS and service differentiation
Tariffs and bandwidth allocation
End to end traffic control
Network measurements
Peer to peer communication protocols
Shared memory
Distributed memory
Optical networks
Security Architectures and Infrastructures
Hacking, Trojian Horses, Viruses, Worms, Spam
Denial of service
Passive attacks, Active attacks
Data Mining
Evaluation of Information
Intelligent Networks
Intelligent Agents
Reliability and fault-tolerance
Performance analysis
Data Engineering
Knowledge Engineering
Software Engineering
Information Security,
Threat and attacks to information
Information security services: authentication, access control, confidentiality, integrity
Non-repudiation, Secret sharing
Database security
Operating systems security
Modeling and analysis for information security
Protocols and its logical analysis
Performance analysis
Risk analysis
Standards of information security: AES, IPSec
Common Criteria
Infrastructure for information security
Public Key Infrastructure, Certification Authority
Tools for information security
Smart cards, biometrics, watermarking
Intrusion detection, scanners, mobile agents
Applications of information security
E-commerce, health information systems, mobile telephony, E-banking
E-voting, entertainment industry. Cryptography: algorithms
Performance analysis
Quantum cryptography
Multilateral Security
Relationship between privacy and security
Privacy enhancing technologies
Anonymity techniques
High-tech crime prevention
Information hiding
Programming Techniques in Communications Networks
Simulation Techniques in Telecommunications
Software for Communication
Development and Simulation
Social Implications of Modern Communications
Soft Computing and Communications
Smart Interfaces, Computer/Communications Integration
Multiservice networks
Web methodologies
Internet based knowledge engineering
Distributed computing environments
Architectures for internet and intranets
Security Aspects
Software maintenance
Software metrics
Intelligent agents
Data mining
Object-oriented methodologies
Data warehousing
Computer-aided co-design techniques:
specification and modeling
Design representation
Synthesis, partitioning, estimation
Co-design architectures: hardware/software interfaces
Distributed and multiprocessor architectures
Re-configurable platforms.
Software for co-design: software development environments
Real-time operating systems
Process scheduling
Software synthesis
System integration
Retargetable compilation.
System development processes: designmethodology
Concurrent engineering
Design reuse
Process management
Intellectual property
System integration.
Verification and test of hardware/software systems: co-simulation
formal verification
Test strategies
Emulation and debugging
Rapid prototyping
Programming Languages
High Performance Languages
Operating Systems
Hardware Engineering
Parallel Computing Systems Architectures
Protocols, Routing, Scheduling
Fault Tolerance
Software Evaluation Standards
Distributed Multimedia
Performance Evaluation
Intelligent Systems
Digital Speech Processing
Statistical Methods for Signal Processing
Tele-automatic control
Tele-medicine and medical informatics, Tele-healthcare
Tele-manufacturing systems
Tele-artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Computational linguistics
Computer networks
Interconnection Networks
Optical Interconnection Networks
Broadband Networks, Mobile Networks, Network Applications
Computational Biophysics
Computers and Biomedical Engineering
Computers and Automation
Digital Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
Digital Systems and Computer Architecture
Computational Geometry
Algorithms and Multiplexity
Microprocessors, Microcomputers
Mobile Computing
NETwork Management and Optimal Design
Software Engineering
Computation and Reasoning Laboratory
Knowledge and Data-Base Systems
Software Engineering
Educational Software
Knowledge Engineering
Software Methodologies
Software Requirements
Software Design and Development
Software Maintenance, Software Metrics
Software Testing
Fault Tolerance
Project Management
Microwave Theory and techniques
CAD design for Microwave Systems
Antennas and Radars
Lightwave technology
Submillimeter-Wave techniques
Microwave High-Power techniques
Microwave and millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits
Microwave and millimeter-Wave Integrated Solid State Devices
Microwave Acoustics
Filter and Passive Components
Microwave and Antennas Measurements
Microwave Superconductivity
Microwave propagation
Ferrites devices. Cavities. Microwave Circuits
Periodic Structures and Filters
HF-VHF-UHF Engineering
Reflectors and Lens Antennas
Electromagnetic Compatibility Problems
Applied Electromagnetics
Electromagnetic Field
Numerical Methods for Electromagnetics
Mathematical Methods and Computational techniues for Microwaves
Mathematical Methods and Computational techniues for Antennas and Radars
Radio Engineering applications in Astronomy
Aerospace Systems
Low noise techniques
Optical Fiber Systems
Communication Electronics
Signal Processing for Wireless Communication
Communications Switching and Routing
Physical Layer
Computer Networks
Architectural Aspects
ATM Networks
Communication Systems Integration
Military Communications
Video systems
Video technologies
Signal processing systems
Multimedia networks. Artificial intelligence
Computational linguistics
Cyber-Science and Cyber-Space
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Software for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Databases, Data Mining
Data Warehousing
Mathematical Logic and Computers
Image, Video and Internet Technologies
Web-Based Education
Distributed Real Time Systems
Distributed Data Base
Distributed Knowledge-base Systems
Network Architecture
Network Design
Synchronous Networks
Parallel/Distributed architectures
Networks and interconnection networks
Optical Network Multi-layer Design
Fiber Design and Fabrication
Network Design Software
Design, and Infrastructure
Modelling and Simulation of Networks
Clusters and parallel systems
Data for supercomputers
Network architecture and convergence
Routing network access
Narrow band and broad band networks
Traffic control
Mobile networks and mobile services
Network management
Wireless networks
Digital broadcasting
Flow and congestion control
Multimedia transport protocols
Protocols and applications
Home computing and networking
QoS and service differentiation
Tariffs and bandwidth allocation
End to end traffic control
Network measurements
Peer to peer communication protocols
Shared memory
Distributed memory
Optical networks
Security Architectures and Infrastructures
Hacking, Trojian Horses, Viruses, Worms, Spam
Denial of service
Passive attacks, Active attacks
Data Mining
Evaluation of Information
Intelligent Networks
Intelligent Agents
Reliability and fault-tolerance
Performance analysis
Data Engineering
Knowledge Engineering
Software Engineering
Information Security,
Threat and attacks to information
Information security services: authentication, access control, confidentiality, integrity
Non-repudiation, Secret sharing
Database security
Operating systems security
Modeling and analysis for information security
Protocols and its logical analysis
Performance analysis
Risk analysis
Standards of information security: AES, IPSec
Common Criteria
Infrastructure for information security
Public Key Infrastructure, Certification Authority
Tools for information security
Smart cards, biometrics, watermarking
Intrusion detection, scanners, mobile agents
Applications of information security
E-commerce, health information systems, mobile telephony, E-banking
E-voting, entertainment industry. Cryptography: algorithms
Performance analysis
Quantum cryptography
Multilateral Security
Relationship between privacy and security
Privacy enhancing technologies
Anonymity techniques
High-tech crime prevention
Information hiding
Programming Techniques in Communications Networks
Simulation Techniques in Telecommunications
Software for Communication
Development and Simulation
Social Implications of Modern Communications
Soft Computing and Communications
Smart Interfaces, Computer/Communications Integration
Multiservice networks
Web methodologies
Internet based knowledge engineering
Distributed computing environments
Architectures for internet and intranets
Security Aspects
Software maintenance
Software metrics
Intelligent agents
Data mining
Object-oriented methodologies
Data warehousing
Computer-aided co-design techniques:
specification and modeling
Design representation
Synthesis, partitioning, estimation
Co-design architectures: hardware/software interfaces
Distributed and multiprocessor architectures
Re-configurable platforms.
Software for co-design: software development environments
Real-time operating systems
Process scheduling
Software synthesis
System integration
Retargetable compilation.
System development processes: designmethodology
Concurrent engineering
Design reuse
Process management
Intellectual property
System integration.
Verification and test of hardware/software systems: co-simulation
formal verification
Test strategies
Emulation and debugging
Rapid prototyping
Programming Languages
High Performance Languages
Operating Systems
Hardware Engineering
Parallel Computing Systems Architectures
Protocols, Routing, Scheduling
Fault Tolerance
Software Evaluation Standards
Distributed Multimedia
Performance Evaluation
Intelligent Systems
Digital Speech Processing
Statistical Methods for Signal Processing
Tele-automatic control
Tele-medicine and medical informatics, Tele-healthcare
Tele-manufacturing systems
Tele-artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Computational linguistics
Computer networks
Interconnection Networks
Optical Interconnection Networks
Broadband Networks, Mobile Networks, Network Applications
Computational Biophysics
Computers and Biomedical Engineering
Computers and Automation
Digital Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
Digital Systems and Computer Architecture
Computational Geometry
Algorithms and Multiplexity
Microprocessors, Microcomputers
Mobile Computing
NETwork Management and Optimal Design
Software Engineering
Computation and Reasoning Laboratory
Knowledge and Data-Base Systems
Software Engineering
Educational Software
Knowledge Engineering
Software Methodologies
Software Requirements
Software Design and Development
Software Maintenance, Software Metrics
Software Testing
Fault Tolerance
Project Management
Microwave Theory and techniques
CAD design for Microwave Systems
Antennas and Radars
Lightwave technology
Submillimeter-Wave techniques
Microwave High-Power techniques
Microwave and millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits
Microwave and millimeter-Wave Integrated Solid State Devices
Microwave Acoustics
Filter and Passive Components
Microwave and Antennas Measurements
Microwave Superconductivity
Microwave propagation
Ferrites devices. Cavities. Microwave Circuits
Periodic Structures and Filters
HF-VHF-UHF Engineering
Reflectors and Lens Antennas
Electromagnetic Compatibility Problems
Applied Electromagnetics
Electromagnetic Field
Numerical Methods for Electromagnetics
Mathematical Methods and Computational techniues for Microwaves
Mathematical Methods and Computational techniues for Antennas and Radars
Radio Engineering applications in Astronomy
Aerospace Systems
Low noise techniques
Optical Fiber Systems
Communication Electronics
Signal Processing for Wireless Communication
Communications Switching and Routing
Physical Layer
Computer Networks
Architectural Aspects
ATM Networks
Communication Systems Integration
Military Communications
Video systems
Video technologies
Signal processing systems
Multimedia networks. Artificial intelligence
Computational linguistics
Cyber-Science and Cyber-Space
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Software for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Databases, Data Mining
Data Warehousing
Mathematical Logic and Computers
Image, Video and Internet Technologies
Web-Based Education
Distributed Real Time Systems
Distributed Data Base
Distributed Knowledge-base Systems
Other CFPs
- Special Issue on Deep Learning for Multimedia Computing
- 17th International Conference on Mathematical/Analytical Modelling and Computer Simulation
- International Symposium On Ubiquitous Networking
- 2015 Progress in Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering (PIAMSE)
- International Conference on Academic Research In Engineering Science And Technology
Last modified: 2015-01-24 11:33:01