SLE 2015 - 2015 ACM SIGPLAN Software Language Engineering
- ILL 2025 | Innovation in Language Learning 18th Edition - International Conference
- Th World Conference on Foreign Language Education
- 6th International Conference on Advanced Natural Language Processing (AdNLP 2025)
- International Conference on Language Teaching and Religious Studies 2025
- International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education 2025
Topics/Call fo Papers
Software Language Engineering (SLE) is the application of systematic, disciplined, and measurable approaches to the development, use, deployment, and maintenance of software languages. The term “software language” is used broadly, and includes: general-purpose programming languages; domain-specific languages (e.g. BPMN, Simulink, Modelica); modeling and metamodeling languages (e.g. SysML and UML); data models and ontologies (e.g. XML-based and OWL-based languages and vocabularies).
Topics of Interest
SLE aims to be broad-minded and inclusive about relevance and scope. We solicit high-quality contributions in areas ranging from theoretical and conceptual contributions to tools, techniques, and frameworks. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Approaches and methodologies for language design
Tools for language design and implementation (incl. meta-languages, meta-tools, language workbenches)
Generative approaches (incl. transformation and transformation languages, code generation)
Interpreters and interpreter composition
Techniques for analysing (and proving properties of) software language descriptions
Techniques for software language reuse, evolution and management of variations (syntactic/semantic) within language families
Integration and coordination of disparate software languages and tools
Applications of DSLs for different purposes (incl. modeling, simulating, generation, description, checking)
Novel applications and/or empirical studies on any aspect of SLE (development, use, deployment, and maintenance of software languages)
Cross-fertilization of different technological spaces (e.g. modelware, grammarware, ontologies)
Topics of Interest
SLE aims to be broad-minded and inclusive about relevance and scope. We solicit high-quality contributions in areas ranging from theoretical and conceptual contributions to tools, techniques, and frameworks. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Approaches and methodologies for language design
Tools for language design and implementation (incl. meta-languages, meta-tools, language workbenches)
Generative approaches (incl. transformation and transformation languages, code generation)
Interpreters and interpreter composition
Techniques for analysing (and proving properties of) software language descriptions
Techniques for software language reuse, evolution and management of variations (syntactic/semantic) within language families
Integration and coordination of disparate software languages and tools
Applications of DSLs for different purposes (incl. modeling, simulating, generation, description, checking)
Novel applications and/or empirical studies on any aspect of SLE (development, use, deployment, and maintenance of software languages)
Cross-fertilization of different technological spaces (e.g. modelware, grammarware, ontologies)
Other CFPs
- 2nd Global Conference on Engineering and Technology Management
- Workshop on Privacy-Aware Mobile Computing (PAMCO) 2015
- Second Workshop for Mobile Sensing, Computing and Communication (MSCC)
- International Workshop on Mobility and MiddleWare Management in HetNets (MobiMWareHN 2015)
- 7th International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-?scale mObile computing and online Social neTworking
Last modified: 2015-01-17 11:44:10