ISTMET 2015 - 2015 2nd International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET)
- 33rd Global Conference on Advances in Emerging Engineering Technologies (GAEET-25)
- 32nd ISTANBUL International Conferences on Emerging Engineering Technologies (ICEET-25)
- International Conference on Emerging Issues in Economics, Social Sciences and Business Management 2025
- 17th International Conference of Managing Information Technology (CMIT 2025)
- 13th International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education
Topics/Call fo Papers
2015 2nd International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET)
Listed at IEEE Conference Search:
25 ? 27 August 2015 | Melaka, Malaysia
2015 2nd International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET) will be held in Melaka, Malaysia where visitors can enjoy a variety of activities and entertainment. The conference will be held over three days, with paper presentations from the international community of authors, including presentations from keynote speakers.
The theme of the conference is encouragement of Technology Management and Emerging Technologies related research work towards improvement in the human life quality. The conference offers a platform to local and foreign researchers, academicians, engineers, executives, bankers, and end-users of research to formulate new research collaborations through candid discussions during paper presentation and discussion. The conference also offers an opportunity to strengthen existing collaborations for gaining tangible research outputs in short time frame.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of no more than FIVE (5) pages including results, figures and references according to standard formatting in the website. Submission is through the conference website and must adhere to guidelines available at the website.
Technical Co-Sponsor by IEEE Malaysia Section and IEEE Technology Management Malaysia Chapter.
Important Dates:-
Submission Deadline
February 28, 2015
Acceptance notification
From March 15, 2015
Final registration
April 30, 2015
Final papers submissions
April 30, 2015
August 25 ? 27, 2015
Conference Tracks:
2015 ISTMET covers, but not limited to, the following topics:
Technology Management
Supply Chain Management, Sourcing Management, Logistics and Distribution, Product Development and Production Management, Strategic Issues in Supply Chains, Sustainable Supply Chains Sustainability, Engineering Management and Climate Change, Green Product and Process Development, Safety and Health Management, Ecological Modernization, Project Management for Sustainable Solutions, Green Information Technology Globalization and its Implications , Globalization of Research & Development, Outsourcing and Off-Shoring, Role of the Technology Centers in the World , Adapting Business Practices to the New Era, Currency Exchange Issues and Management, Business and Finance in Engineering, Global Technology Risks and Opportunities Entrepreneurship , Opportunity Recognition in a Challenging Environment, Innovative Business Models , International Sources of Capital , Legal Aspects of International Entrepreneurship Management of Innovation New Measures of Innovation , Management of Innovation Processes , R&D during the Economic Downturn, Alternative Energy opportunities and pitfalls , Managing international intellectual property , Open Innovation and Collaboration in Technology Management, Ethics in technology management, Macroeconomic modeling, Financial engineering , University programs in Systems Engineering and Management.
Emerging Technologies
Industrial Electronics, Sensors, Electronics Devices, Signal and Systems, Signal and Video processing, Computer Engineering, Hard Drive Technology, Microprocessor Technology, Mobile Computing, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing, Parallel Computing, Optical / Quantum Computing, Soft Computing, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing, Coding Techniques, Modeling & Simulation of Communication Systems, Network Architecture & Protocol, Optical Fiber/Microwave Communication, Satellite Communication, Wired & Wireless Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks, Artificial Intelligence Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Speech/Image Processing, Data Mining Algorithms, Distributed Computing, Grid and Cloud Computing, Software Architecture, Bioinformatics, Evolutionary Algorithms, Software Engineering, Ubiquitous Computing, Semantic Web, Agro-informatics, Algorithms, Tools & Applications, Artificial Intelligence, ASIC Design and Embedded Systems, Automation and Control Systems, Bio-informatics, Communication Systems & Techniques, Computer Networks, Computer Security, Computer Vision and Graphics, Cryptography, Databases and Business Intelligence, Electromagnetics and Optoelectronics, Evolutionary Computing and Swarm Intelligence, Geo-Informatics, Health informatics and Tele-Medicine, Local Language Computing, Microelectronics and MEMS, Microwave Devices and Circuits, Modeling & Simulation, Power and Renewable Energy Sources, Semantic Web Technologies, Software Engineering and HCI, Speech, Image, and Video Processing, Ubiquitous Computing
Looking forward to your support, participation & contribution in 2015 ISTMET!
See you in Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia !!!
Warm Regards,
Conference Chair
2015 International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies : || Email:
Listed at IEEE Conference Search:
25 ? 27 August 2015 | Melaka, Malaysia
2015 2nd International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies (ISTMET) will be held in Melaka, Malaysia where visitors can enjoy a variety of activities and entertainment. The conference will be held over three days, with paper presentations from the international community of authors, including presentations from keynote speakers.
The theme of the conference is encouragement of Technology Management and Emerging Technologies related research work towards improvement in the human life quality. The conference offers a platform to local and foreign researchers, academicians, engineers, executives, bankers, and end-users of research to formulate new research collaborations through candid discussions during paper presentation and discussion. The conference also offers an opportunity to strengthen existing collaborations for gaining tangible research outputs in short time frame.
Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of no more than FIVE (5) pages including results, figures and references according to standard formatting in the website. Submission is through the conference website and must adhere to guidelines available at the website.
Technical Co-Sponsor by IEEE Malaysia Section and IEEE Technology Management Malaysia Chapter.
Important Dates:-
Submission Deadline
February 28, 2015
Acceptance notification
From March 15, 2015
Final registration
April 30, 2015
Final papers submissions
April 30, 2015
August 25 ? 27, 2015
Conference Tracks:
2015 ISTMET covers, but not limited to, the following topics:
Technology Management
Supply Chain Management, Sourcing Management, Logistics and Distribution, Product Development and Production Management, Strategic Issues in Supply Chains, Sustainable Supply Chains Sustainability, Engineering Management and Climate Change, Green Product and Process Development, Safety and Health Management, Ecological Modernization, Project Management for Sustainable Solutions, Green Information Technology Globalization and its Implications , Globalization of Research & Development, Outsourcing and Off-Shoring, Role of the Technology Centers in the World , Adapting Business Practices to the New Era, Currency Exchange Issues and Management, Business and Finance in Engineering, Global Technology Risks and Opportunities Entrepreneurship , Opportunity Recognition in a Challenging Environment, Innovative Business Models , International Sources of Capital , Legal Aspects of International Entrepreneurship Management of Innovation New Measures of Innovation , Management of Innovation Processes , R&D during the Economic Downturn, Alternative Energy opportunities and pitfalls , Managing international intellectual property , Open Innovation and Collaboration in Technology Management, Ethics in technology management, Macroeconomic modeling, Financial engineering , University programs in Systems Engineering and Management.
Emerging Technologies
Industrial Electronics, Sensors, Electronics Devices, Signal and Systems, Signal and Video processing, Computer Engineering, Hard Drive Technology, Microprocessor Technology, Mobile Computing, Grid Computing, Cloud Computing, Parallel Computing, Optical / Quantum Computing, Soft Computing, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing, Coding Techniques, Modeling & Simulation of Communication Systems, Network Architecture & Protocol, Optical Fiber/Microwave Communication, Satellite Communication, Wired & Wireless Communication, Wireless Sensor Networks, Artificial Intelligence Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Speech/Image Processing, Data Mining Algorithms, Distributed Computing, Grid and Cloud Computing, Software Architecture, Bioinformatics, Evolutionary Algorithms, Software Engineering, Ubiquitous Computing, Semantic Web, Agro-informatics, Algorithms, Tools & Applications, Artificial Intelligence, ASIC Design and Embedded Systems, Automation and Control Systems, Bio-informatics, Communication Systems & Techniques, Computer Networks, Computer Security, Computer Vision and Graphics, Cryptography, Databases and Business Intelligence, Electromagnetics and Optoelectronics, Evolutionary Computing and Swarm Intelligence, Geo-Informatics, Health informatics and Tele-Medicine, Local Language Computing, Microelectronics and MEMS, Microwave Devices and Circuits, Modeling & Simulation, Power and Renewable Energy Sources, Semantic Web Technologies, Software Engineering and HCI, Speech, Image, and Video Processing, Ubiquitous Computing
Looking forward to your support, participation & contribution in 2015 ISTMET!
See you in Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia !!!
Warm Regards,
Conference Chair
2015 International Symposium on Technology Management and Emerging Technologies : || Email:
Other CFPs
- 2015 International Conference on Future Information & Communication Engineering
- The 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2015)
- 2015 International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE 2015)
- 2015 International Conference on Manufacturing and Optimization (ICMO2015)
- 2015 International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICMME 2015)
Last modified: 2014-12-30 09:28:40