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ISMB 2012 - 20th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology



VenueCalifornia, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsIntelligent System;Molecular Biology


Topics/Call fo Papers

The Eighteenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2010) will be Boston, Massachusettes, USA, July 11 - July 13, 2010, where we expect 1400 attendees.
At ISMB/ECCB 2009 in Stockholm, Sweden and ISMB 2008 in Toronto we encouraged an increased participation of scientists involved in experimental biology and those researching in industry. This guiding goal positively impacted the organization of these meetings in many ways, including through the introduction of Special Session Tracks for related disciplines, a special Industry Track, Highlight Tracks for work published in journals frequented by experimental biologists. An increase in the number of keynote presentations provided insights into open areas of research from experimental perspectives.
The Boston conference program will include 46 contributed papers that have been selected by an international program committee during a rigorous review process rivaling the editorial procedure for top-rate scientific journals with an acceptance rate of ~19%. Contributed papers are collected in a proceedings published as part of an online-only issue of the Oxford University Press journal Bioinformatics and are distributed in CD form to all attendees at the conference. Several parallel tracks are not tied to publication in the conference proceedings, and therefore offer experimentalists and industry researchers, as well as mainstream ISMB attendees, additional opportunities to present their work at the conference. A further point in the program is an extensive and lively poster session; at recent ISMB conferences 600-1,000 posters have been presented.

Last modified: 2011-12-09 12:34:50