ICEST 2011 - International Conference on Energy Systems and Technologies
- 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy, Resources and Sustainable Technologies
- 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology(ICEST 2025)
- 10th International Conference on Green Energy Technologies (ICGET 2025)
- International Experts Summit on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies
- 9th International Conference on Power Energy Systems and Applications (ICoPESA 2025)
Topics/Call fo Papers
International Conference on Energy Systems and Technologies r17-20 Feb. 2011 rCairo, EgyptrrICEST' 11rrCall for Papers rConference AimrrEnergy is fundamental to the quality of life on the earth. It is a key ingredient in all sectors of modern economies. We are totally dependent on an abundant and uninterrupted supply of energy for living and working. Meeting the growing demand for energy sustainably is one of the major challenges of the twenty-first century. By 2050, the world’s population is set to increase from 6.6 billion currently to more than nine billion. Energy use during this period is set to double. Consumption of energy resources by humans adds substantially to CO2 emissions that contribute to climate change. Urgently arresting climate change is in the interests of all nations. Transition to a low carbon economy is therefore a global aim that envelops every single nation. That is why an international forum for the exchange of ideas and experience amongst experts from a broad range of disciplines on the technology, policy and economic frame work is essential. Such a forum will lead to better understanding of energy issues on local, regional and global scales. ICEST offers the opportunity for scientists, professionals, policymakers and other parties to review recent developments in this rapidly changing discipline. The aim is to create a global sustainable energy infrastructure. rConference Topicsr1- Energy Primary Resources r2- New and Emerging Technologies r3- Innovations in Energy Technology r4- Advanced Energy and Fue Cell Technologies r5- Clean Energy Technologies r6- Centralized and Decentralized Energy Systems r7- Energy Storage Technologies r8- Energy Transmission and Distribution r9- Regoinal Integration Projects r10- Green Buildings and Construction r11- Energy-Environment Interaction r12- Energy Management and Sustainability r13- Energy Economics r14- Energy Market Liberalization r15- Law and Regulatory Issues
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Mobile, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
- International Conference on Marine and Naval Engineering
- International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- International Conference on Medical Informatics and Biomedical Engineering
- International Conference on Image and Vision Computing
Last modified: 2010-11-26 20:45:27