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IC2ICA 2015 - 4th International Conference on Information Intergration and Computing Applications

Date2015-02-12 - 2015-02-13


VenueBarcelona, Spain Spain



Topics/Call fo Papers

After the Great sucess of IC2ICA 2012, 2013 in Singapore and ICI2CA 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand , The IC2ICA 2015 is going to organize it 4th Series on Barcelona, Spain . On behalf of the organising committee, it is our pleasure to invited you to the 4th International Conference on Information Intergration and Computing Applications (ICIICA 2015 ), which will be held at Barcelona, Spain from February 12 - 13, 2015 . 4th IC2ICA 2015 mission is to provide an effective and established international forum for discussion and dissemination of recent advances and innovations in use of technology in education . This theme is a reflection of the technological development occurring in the region and indeed worldwide reflecting the role of innovation in the ever-increasing sustainable applications of technology in education. and 4th IC2ICA 2015 is designed to provide a common platform to the experts and delegates to share their experiences, research ideas and discuss various related issues and challenges .

Last modified: 2014-10-30 22:45:28