ICSLE 2015 - International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2015)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The International Conference on Smart Learning Environments aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to discuss issues related to the optimization of learning environments to enhance learning. The focus is on the interplay of pedagogy, technology and their fusion towards the advancement of smart learning environments. Various components of this interplay include but are not limited to:
Pedagogy: learning paradigms, assessment paradigms, social factors, policy
Technology: emerging technologies, innovative uses of mature technologies, adoption, usability, standards, and emerging/new technological paradigms (open educational resources, cloud computing, etc.)
Fusion of pedagogy and technology: transformation of curriculum, transformation of teaching behavior, transformation of administration, best practices of infusion, piloting of new ideas
All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published under Springer's Lecture Notes in Educational Technology series.
Extended version of selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in Springer's Smart Learning Environments journal.
Types of submissions:
Experience Reports: Experience reports describe research-based technological implementation for education that worked well and is now recommended to others.
(a) Full-length Experience Reports (8-10 pages): Full-length Experience Reports may contain detailed descriptions of research behind the implementation, development, evaluation or other applications. Work reported in Full-length Experience Reports must be original.
(b) Short Experience Reports (4-5 pages): Short Experience Reports may contain brief reports of technologies developed, techniques used or results of research. Work reported in Short Experience Reports must be original.
Research Studies: Research Studies present a careful study, with an appropriate use of methodology (e.g., case study, qualitative methods, quasi-experimental, experimental) to support the investigation and stated results. The methodology does not need to be quantitative; it does, however, need to be appropriate to support the claims made by the author.
(a) Full-length Research Studies (8-10 pages): Full-length Research Studies may contain detailed description of the background research, details of methodology used, findings of the study, interpretation of the findings, and resulting recommendations for other researchers/practitioners. Work reported in Full-length Research Studies must be original.
(b) Short Research Studies (4-5 pages): Short Research Studies may focus on small-scale research experiments that may be extensions of author's previously validated research. However, the work reported in Short Research Studies must be original.
Work-in-progress Papers (3-4 pages): Work-in-progress Papers contain original research frameworks, architectures and implementations, where initial results are available but full validation are not yet done. The originality of the work must be clearly visible.
Reflection Papers (3-4 pages): Reflection papers are expected to present an argument - with rationale and justification - for a different approach or perspective on solving a current educational problem through the use of emerging technology or through innovative use of existing technology. The work presented in the Reflection Papers must not have been published (or submitted for publication) elsewhere.
Posters (3-4 pages): Posters are expected to briefly explain the idea of your research and argue its novelty. Posters are not intended to provide background research or details of a rigorous experimental study. They provide opportunity to sell your ideas to the audience. The work presented in the Posters must not have been published (or submitted for publication) elsewhere.
Workshop proposals: Workshops provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas on hot topics in the scope of the conference. We particularly encourage workshops which devote time to hands-on activities by the attendees (which may include think-pair-share, group discussions, collaborative editing, programming etc.). Workshop organizers should use this template to submit their proposals. Workshop proposals will be evaluated for relevance, anticipated interest, quality, and availability of appropriate facilities. Please note that workshop organizers will be responsible for setting up the workshop website, coordinating the review process and collecting the camera ready papers. Workshop papers should be 4-5 pages long and the accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings volume.
Pedagogy: learning paradigms, assessment paradigms, social factors, policy
Technology: emerging technologies, innovative uses of mature technologies, adoption, usability, standards, and emerging/new technological paradigms (open educational resources, cloud computing, etc.)
Fusion of pedagogy and technology: transformation of curriculum, transformation of teaching behavior, transformation of administration, best practices of infusion, piloting of new ideas
All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published under Springer's Lecture Notes in Educational Technology series.
Extended version of selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in Springer's Smart Learning Environments journal.
Types of submissions:
Experience Reports: Experience reports describe research-based technological implementation for education that worked well and is now recommended to others.
(a) Full-length Experience Reports (8-10 pages): Full-length Experience Reports may contain detailed descriptions of research behind the implementation, development, evaluation or other applications. Work reported in Full-length Experience Reports must be original.
(b) Short Experience Reports (4-5 pages): Short Experience Reports may contain brief reports of technologies developed, techniques used or results of research. Work reported in Short Experience Reports must be original.
Research Studies: Research Studies present a careful study, with an appropriate use of methodology (e.g., case study, qualitative methods, quasi-experimental, experimental) to support the investigation and stated results. The methodology does not need to be quantitative; it does, however, need to be appropriate to support the claims made by the author.
(a) Full-length Research Studies (8-10 pages): Full-length Research Studies may contain detailed description of the background research, details of methodology used, findings of the study, interpretation of the findings, and resulting recommendations for other researchers/practitioners. Work reported in Full-length Research Studies must be original.
(b) Short Research Studies (4-5 pages): Short Research Studies may focus on small-scale research experiments that may be extensions of author's previously validated research. However, the work reported in Short Research Studies must be original.
Work-in-progress Papers (3-4 pages): Work-in-progress Papers contain original research frameworks, architectures and implementations, where initial results are available but full validation are not yet done. The originality of the work must be clearly visible.
Reflection Papers (3-4 pages): Reflection papers are expected to present an argument - with rationale and justification - for a different approach or perspective on solving a current educational problem through the use of emerging technology or through innovative use of existing technology. The work presented in the Reflection Papers must not have been published (or submitted for publication) elsewhere.
Posters (3-4 pages): Posters are expected to briefly explain the idea of your research and argue its novelty. Posters are not intended to provide background research or details of a rigorous experimental study. They provide opportunity to sell your ideas to the audience. The work presented in the Posters must not have been published (or submitted for publication) elsewhere.
Workshop proposals: Workshops provide participants with the opportunity to present and discuss novel research ideas on hot topics in the scope of the conference. We particularly encourage workshops which devote time to hands-on activities by the attendees (which may include think-pair-share, group discussions, collaborative editing, programming etc.). Workshop organizers should use this template to submit their proposals. Workshop proposals will be evaluated for relevance, anticipated interest, quality, and availability of appropriate facilities. Please note that workshop organizers will be responsible for setting up the workshop website, coordinating the review process and collecting the camera ready papers. Workshop papers should be 4-5 pages long and the accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings volume.
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- 28th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning
- International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science & Technology (ICEMST)
Last modified: 2014-10-28 23:22:07