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IGF 2018 - International Congress on Genetics

Date2018-07-14 - 2018-07-18


VenueVancouver, Canada Canada



Topics/Call fo Papers

The International Genetics Federation, established in 1968 at the XII International Congress of Genetics, is also the Section of Genetics of the International Union of Biological Sciences. It is an association of societies interested in promoting the advancement of the science of genetics.
ARTICLE I: Objectives
The International Genetics Federation, established in 1968 at the XII International Congress of Genetics, is the Section of Genetics of the International Union of Biological Sciences. It is an association of societies interested in promoting the advancement of the science of genetics through:
1. Encouragement of understanding, cooperation and friendship among geneticists of the world irrespective of their race, nationality, religion or political opinions.
2. Planning and support of international and regional congresses of genetics.
3. Encouragement and support of specialized symposia, conferences, and workshops in genetics, especially those with international participation.
4. Ensuring the openness of international meetings to qualified scientists regardless of nationality.
5. Encouragement of international collaboration in genetical research.
6. The dissemination of scientific information, with special concern for the availability of
essential books and periodicals, to geneticists in all countries.
7. Strengthening the development of genetics in countries where it is not strongly represented by such means as visits of eminent geneticists.
8. Encouragement and support of programs for the preservation of genetic stocks and resources.
9. Promoting provisions for the preservation of archival materials of interest to the history of genetics.
10. Maintenance of liaison with other international organizations interested in genetics.
11. Promoting the teaching of genetics.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Societies with their main interests in genetics and a minimum of 25 members are eligible for membership subject to the approval of the Executive Board. Each member society is requested to contribute annual dues to the Federation. These will be assessed on the basis of the society's membership and a unit fee per member which will be determined by the Representative Council from time to time. Dues for large Societies shall be based only on the first 2,000 members. Dues will be payable on the first day of each new year.
Any member society that is current in payment of dues will be considered an active member. However, payment of the per capital assessment is not a prerequisite to active membership of a society in the Federation. Upon approval by a majority vote of the Executive Board, payment will be waived upon written request for any qualifying society that experiences difficulty in paying because of currency restrictions or shortage of funds. A request that dues be waived should be renewed yearly in response to the annual dues statement, by letter from an appropriate society officer to the Administrative Office affirming continued desire of the society to maintain active membership in the Federation.
ARTICLE III: Administration
The policy-making body of the International Genetics Federation is the Representative Council which shall determine the policies and scientific activities of the Federation. The Executive Board will act on behalf of the Council as indicated under Article V.
ARTICLE IV: The Representative Council
1. Designation of Representatives
Prior to each scheduled council meeting, each member society may appoint one or more representatives to the Council.
Each society shall have a number of representatives equal to the square root of its membership in that year, divided by 10 and then rounded up to the next integer. The membership shall be defined on the basis of dues paid in that year. Each representative shall be entitled to one vote in the Representative Council. A society that is entitled to more that one vote may elect to have one representative cast the votes for other representatives of that society. A society may designate a proxy representative, duly authorized in writing by the President or Secretary of the society. A representative for any region that does not have an approved genetical society may be named by the Executive Board of the Federation, provided that such appointments do not exceed five in number.
In advance of each Council meeting, member Societies should notify the Federation Secretary-General in writing of their designated representatives and proxies. In absence of notification to the contrary, it will be assumed that the Secretary of each member society has been designated Representative ex officio.
In advance of each Council meeting, the Secretary-General , insofar as possible, communicate major anticipated items for consideration, to secretaries of member Societies for distribution to their designated representatives.
2. Meetings
The Representative Council shall meet at the time of each International Congress of Genetics and at such other times as may be feasible and desirable.
Twenty per cent of the membership of the Representative Council shall constitute a quorum.
With the exception of amendments to the Constitution, which require approval by a two-thirds majority, decisions of the Representative Council shall be made by simple majority vote of the representatives present and voting, together with proxy votes cast by those nominated in writing in advance of the Council meeting. The presiding officer shall vote only in case of a tie.
3. Authority and Duties
The Representative Council shall formulate policies for the Federation to be carried out by the Executive Board. It shall elect the Executive Board. It shall designate preferred times and places for the next International Congress of Genetics, subject to final decision by the Executive Board. It may amend the constitution, and enact by-laws governing the operation of the Federation. In all the above, the Council shall give due consideration to reports and recommendations of the Executive Board.
Article V: The Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of six members including the President, the Secretary-General, and the last Past-Secretary-General ex officio. The Executive Board may increase itself by adding up to three additional members in order to improve its breadth of representation.
2. Election
The five elected members of the Executive Board shall be elected by secret ballot, normally at a regular meeting of members of the Representative Council, or by mail ballot in all other circumstances.
3. Nomination
A list of nominees shall be sought from member societies prior to presentation to the Representative Council by the Secretary-General on behalf of the current Executive Board. Regional representatives shall be taken into consideration in selecting nominees. In advance of each regular Council meeting, the Secretary-General shall send the Board's slate of nominees to Secretaries of member Societies, with an invitation for alternative nominations to be received in writing prior to the Council meeting.
4. Terms of Office
Members of the Executive Board shall normally hold office for five years from time of election. Board members other than the Secretary-General shall ordinarily not stand for re-election, but the Board and Council may make exceptions to assure experience and continuity. The Secretary-General shall have no more than two consecutive terms of office.
5. Authority and Duties
The Executive Board shall:
Be responsible for conducting organizational, administrative, and financial activities of the Federation, for carrying out policies and decisions of the Representative Council, and for furthering objectives of the Federation in such other ways as it deems appropriate.
Decide the time and place of the International Congress of Genetics, normally upon the recommendations of the Representative Council. The Board shall solicit invitations from national genetical societies for a future Congress, and shall carry out Federation responsibilities as sponsor of the Congress as set forth in Article VII.
Appoint representatives to international organizations such as the International Union of Biological Sciences.
Appoint interim replacements in the Executive Board if vacancies occur between meetings of the Representative Council.
Make recommendations to the Representative Council regarding the amount of annual dues for member Societies.
Determine policies and procedures for awarding grants-in-aid to be made with funds under its jurisdiction. Individual grants exceeding U.S. $2,000 shall not be made without Board approval.
Establish an International Program Committee for each International Congress of Genetics, as set forth in Article VII, at least two years in advance, the membership to include a representative of the Executive Board or a deputy nominated by the President.
The Executive Board may establish standing committees or ad hoc committees to carry out delegated duties or to further the objectives of the Federation in other ways. The Board may establish a permanent Secretariat of Genetics. The Board or its delegates may apply to granting agencies for funds to promote objectives of the Federation.
6. Procedures
Decisions of the Executive Board shall be made by simple majority vote.
7. Emergency Action
The President, Secretary-General and Past-Secretary-General may take emergency action to ensure that the Congress takes place on the agreed date, the Executive Board to be kept informed of such action.
ARTICLE VI: Officers
1. The President or a nominated deputy shall preside at meetings of the Executive Board and the Representative Council. In his or her absence, the meeting shall elect a chair.
2. The Secretary-General shall act as secretary of the Executive Board and the Representative Council, and perform all other duties customarily associated with this office.
3. The Executive Board shall establish and oversee an Administrative Office to maintain records of all society memberships, conduct the routine financial affairs of the Federation, and report at least annually to the President and Secretary-General.
ARTICLE VII: Sponsorship of Conferences
1. The International Congress of Genetics. As primary sponsor of the International Congress of Genetics, the Federation is responsible for providing continuity and determining policy. The Federation shall:
Solicit invitations from prospective host organizations.
Determine time and place of the Congress. Roles of the representative Council and Executive Board are detailed in Article IV and V.
Establish an International Program Committee to assist and cooperate with the Congress Organizing Committee in the formulation of the program and selection of principal participants. This committee shall have the power to act to ensure adequate and appropriate involvement in preparations for each Congress.
Promote and encourage attendance at the Congress of geneticists from developing countries.
Clarify and monitor obligations of the host country to assure qualified participants entry and access to the Congress.
2. International or Regional Conferences, Symposia, Courses, etc. An objective of the Federation is to encourage specialized meetings. It may elect to do so by providing sponsorship, financial support, or both. Preference shall be given to activities in developing countries.
3. Freedom of Access. In accordance with principals on freedom of access of the International Council of Scientific Unions, the Federation shall not sponsor or give financial support to any Congress or meeting unless access is assured to professionally qualified prospective participants without regard to their citizenship, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, or sex, and unless adequate procedures are set up to assure access by qualified participants from countries with which the prospective host country does not maintain diplomatic relations. In case of noncompliance with the principles of free access, the Executive board shall suspend, or if persevered, withdraw sponsorship of a previously approved meeting.
ARTICLE VIII: Nonprofit, Divestiture, and Non-Political Provisions Required to Qualify for Tax-Exempt Status
1. The Federation is organized for non-profit purposes and does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to its members or officers.
2. The property and assets of the Federation are irrevocably dedicated to scientific and educational purposes and no part of the net income or assets of the Federation may ever inure to the private benefit of any director, officer, or member of the Federation, or to any private organizations except specifically for the purpose of achieving educational and scientific objectives consistent with those of the Federation. If the Federation is ever dissolved, its assets remaining after provision for payment of all debts and liabilities shall be distributed to the International Union of Biological Sciences, or to another non-profit fund, foundation, or organization which is organized and operated exclusively for educational or scientific purposes, or both.
3. No substantial part of the activities of the Federation shall consist of attempting to influence legislation of any government body, and the Federation shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office.
ARTICLE IX: Amendments to the Constitution
1. The Constitution may be amended by a meeting of the Representative Council or by a mail ballot. Notice of proposed amendments must be presented to member Societies no less than six months prior to date of voting.
2. Proposed amendments to the Constitution can be initiated by the Executive Board, or by any five member Societies. If the latter, proposed amendments must be in the hands of the Secretary at least eight months before a scheduled meeting of the Council or the date of a mail ballot.
3. The Representative Council may revise the wording of a proposed amendment prior to adoption, provided that changes do not alter the meaning and intent of the amendment.
4. Amendments to the Constitution require approval by two-thirds of the members of the Representative Council present and voting at a meeting of the Representative Council (or represented by proxy), or by a simple majority of votes cast in a mail ballot. For voting by mail, ballots and instructions shall be sent by the Secretary of the Federation to secretaries of all member Societies. Each member society shall determine how its vote or votes shall be cast?whether by named members of the Representative Council, by the executive body of the society, or otherwise. The numbers of votes to which each society is entitled in voting by mail, and the quorum requirement, shall be as for voting in the Representative Council.
5. Amendments to the Constitution shall take effect immediately upon adoption unless provision to the contrary is included in the measure subjected to vote.

Last modified: 2014-09-09 21:25:27