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Date2015-11-02 - 2015-11-05


VenueNational Harbor, MD, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

IEEE AUTOTEST is the world’s premier conference that brings together the military/aerospace automatic test industry and government/military acquirers and users to share new technologies, discuss innovative applications, and demonstrate their products and services. It is sponsored annually by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). The Theme this year is "Increased Mission Effectiveness through Advanced Test & Support Technology”
IEEE AUTOTEST will be held at the Gaylord Convention Center & Hotel at the National Harbor in the Washington DC area, November 2-5, 2015. The TECHNICAL PROGRAM for IEEE AUTOTEST 2015 will be determined by the interests of those participants submitting for publication and presentation a TECHNICAL PAPER or organizing a TECHNICAL SESSION. Papers and sessions should cover appropriate topics dealing with SYSTEM READINESS in general and AUTOMATIC TEST technology in particular. Key topics for IEEE AUTOTEST 2015 will be:
* Performance Based Logistics
* Health Monitoring & Diagnostics
* Embedded Instrumentation
* Support Economics
* Test & Support Management
We are seeking abstracts and Session Proposals that explore these topics. We are also encouraging papers and sessions that address new and innovative approaches to Systems Maintenance and Improved Readiness and address topics such as:
* Agile TPS Development
* Evolutionary Acquisition
* Flexible Sustainment
* Interoperability
* Design-For-Test/Built-In-Test
* Fault Tolerant Systems
* Legacy ATE Challenges
* Future Logistics Support Concepts
* Contractor Logistics Support
* Maintenance Repair & Overhaul
* Multinational Integrated Support
* Commercialization of Military Maintenance
* Obsolescence & DMSMS Strategies
* Organizational/Intermediate/Depot Level Maintenance For The Future
* Next Generation Test Systems
* Test Program Set Development
* Prognostics
* Test Requirements Definition and Verification
* Factory and Development Test
* Research & Development in Instrumentation and Measurement
IEEE AUTOTEST 2015 will conduct a Student Paper Awards program for both Graduate and Undergraduate student papers within the topic scope. There will be cash awards of $500 for Best papers in both categories, plus travel subsidies ranging from $300 to $1000 depending on student location. Student abstracts are to be submitted to the URL shown below and identified as Student Papers.
Abstracts are to be submitted to the Abstract Management website no later than April 15, 2015, at Questions and Session proposals should be addressed to the Technical Program or General Chairs.
For Technical Program information contact:
Michael T. Ellis, Technical Program Co Chairman
Iram Weinstein, Technical Program Co Chairman
Technical Fellow, Leidos, Inc.
For other information contact:
Bob Rassa, General Chairman
Director, Engineering Programs
Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems

Last modified: 2014-09-09 06:54:16