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ICIC 2014 - 26th ICIC International Conference for the Information Community

Date2014-10-12 - 2014-10-15


VenueHeidelberg, Germany Germany



Topics/Call fo Papers

For those in the sci-tech world, sharing best practices, networking and evaluating trends have become matters of considerable importance, and the annual ICIC Meeting & Exhibition is the significant forum for this, attracting over 160 attendees from the main sci-tech companies and information, service or software providers.
Started in 1989 ...
These exciting and highly respected annual conferences, that started in Montreux in 1989 and were subsequently held in Annecy, Nîmes, Barcelona, Nice, Vienna and Berlin have always provided a barometer as to the strengths and frailties of the world of sci-tech and patent information.
The conference lasts for two and a half days and features approximately 24 formal presentations, panels on topical matters, all interspersed with short new product information presentations. All sessions are plenary. The conference normally begins with a reception and Welcome Dinner on the first evening to enable attendees to begin to network with each other. Lunches are taken at the conference venue, and breaks are designed to facilitate networking and interaction. A focused exhibition of approximately 25 stands is integrated within the conference. Attendance at these meetings is highly international, with no one nationality predominating.
The 2014 ICIC conference is organised by Dr Haxel Congress and Event Management.
Subject Areas for the 2014 Programme
The traditional focus of the ICIC programmes is subjects of interest to information professionals in a scientific or technical environment. As in previous years, this year's programme contains a number of presentations examining aspects of patent information retrieval, including drug discovery; patent information presents many challenges and is thus an excellent test-bed when it comes to information technology. The ICIC meeting's roots in chemical information also ensure that that area features prominently; chemical information was one of the first fields to attract modern information technologies back at the end of the twentieth century and the very beginning of the twentyfirst.
Next ICIC: 12 - 15 October 2014, Heidelberg, Germany.

Last modified: 2014-09-08 06:10:58