TPSAS 2015 - First International Conference on Theory and Practice of Self-Adaptive Systems
- 10th International Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
- 8th International Conference on Advanced Research in EDUCATION
- 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities in the 21st Century (ICSH21)
- International Conference on Innovative Teaching and Education (ITECONF)
- 3rd International Education Conference (IECONF)
Topics/Call fo Papers
A self-adaptive system changes its behavior in response to stimuli from its execution and operational environment. As software is used for more pervasive and critical applications, support for self-adaptation is increasingly seen as vital in avoiding costly disruptions for repair, maintenance and evolution of systems. Self-adaptation may result in changes to some functionality, algorithms, or system parameters, as well as to the system’s structure or any other system aspect. Moreover, a self-adaptive system may have intrinsic intelligence that may help it reason about situations where autonomous decision making is required. The major challenges to overcome in order to achieve adequate self-adaptive behavior are related to monitoring, quality and quantity of knowledge and awareness. A successful self-adaptive system meets those challenges to emphasize features like adaptability, autonomy, mobility, robustness, and dynamicity.
Research Topics
Developing self-adaptive systems is extremely challenging and requires approaches that can efficiently tackle the problems of expressing autonomy requirements, designing and implementing self-adaptive features, and efficiently testing self-adaptive behavior. This conference seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners of self-adaptive systems that will provide the connection between theory and practice with the ultimate goal to bring both the science and industry closer to the so-called "autonomic culture” and successful realization of self-adaptive systems. Both theoretical and applied contributions related to the relevance and potential of engineering methods, approaches and tools for self-adaptive systems are particularly welcome. This applies to application areas and technologies such as:
adaptable user interfaces machine learning
autonomic computing mobile ad-hoc networks
awareness and self-awareness mobile and autonomous robots
bio-inspired algorithms multi-agents systems
dependable computing peer-to-peer applications
embedded systems sensor networks
genetic algorithms service-oriented arhcitectures
knowledge representation and reasoning ubiquitous computing
It also hold for many research fields, which have already investigated some aspects of self-adaptation from their own perspective, such as fault-tolerant computing, distributed systems, biologically inspired computing, distributed artificial intelligence, integrated management, robotics, knowledge-based systems, machine learning, control theory, etc.
Authors are particularly encouraged to submit papers describing experience with applications and software engineering approaches to self-adaptive systems. Such papers must clearly state the authors experience insight of design, implementation, or management of self-adaptive systems as employed to solve particular problems from industry or real life. Moreover, such papers are expected to provide an indication of the practical relevance of the problem tackled along with a description of the problem domain, and some form of evaluation of performance, usability, comparison to alternative approaches, and recommendations.
Official conference proceedings of TPSAS 2015 will appear in the Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST) series jointly published by ICST and Springer and indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, ISI Proceedings, EI, CrossRef and Zentralblatt Math.
The authors of accepted and presented papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers to a special issue of the journal "EAI Transactions on Self-Adaptive Systems".
Research Topics
Developing self-adaptive systems is extremely challenging and requires approaches that can efficiently tackle the problems of expressing autonomy requirements, designing and implementing self-adaptive features, and efficiently testing self-adaptive behavior. This conference seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners of self-adaptive systems that will provide the connection between theory and practice with the ultimate goal to bring both the science and industry closer to the so-called "autonomic culture” and successful realization of self-adaptive systems. Both theoretical and applied contributions related to the relevance and potential of engineering methods, approaches and tools for self-adaptive systems are particularly welcome. This applies to application areas and technologies such as:
adaptable user interfaces machine learning
autonomic computing mobile ad-hoc networks
awareness and self-awareness mobile and autonomous robots
bio-inspired algorithms multi-agents systems
dependable computing peer-to-peer applications
embedded systems sensor networks
genetic algorithms service-oriented arhcitectures
knowledge representation and reasoning ubiquitous computing
It also hold for many research fields, which have already investigated some aspects of self-adaptation from their own perspective, such as fault-tolerant computing, distributed systems, biologically inspired computing, distributed artificial intelligence, integrated management, robotics, knowledge-based systems, machine learning, control theory, etc.
Authors are particularly encouraged to submit papers describing experience with applications and software engineering approaches to self-adaptive systems. Such papers must clearly state the authors experience insight of design, implementation, or management of self-adaptive systems as employed to solve particular problems from industry or real life. Moreover, such papers are expected to provide an indication of the practical relevance of the problem tackled along with a description of the problem domain, and some form of evaluation of performance, usability, comparison to alternative approaches, and recommendations.
Official conference proceedings of TPSAS 2015 will appear in the Lecture Notes of ICST (LNICST) series jointly published by ICST and Springer and indexed in DBLP, Google Scholar, ISI Proceedings, EI, CrossRef and Zentralblatt Math.
The authors of accepted and presented papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers to a special issue of the journal "EAI Transactions on Self-Adaptive Systems".
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2014-08-26 22:54:45