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ICHL 2015 - Second International Conference on Humanitarian Logistics- Trends and Challenges in Emerging Economies

Date2015-02-27 - 2015-02-28


VenueRAIPUR, India India



Topics/Call fo Papers

The paper submitted to the conference must be in Microsoft Word format (.doc / docx). All papers must be submitted online through ICHL’s paper submission site. The paper must be formatted as per the submission template available at the conference’s website Click here for the template. Instructions for using the template are provided in the template itself. Files submitted in other word processing formats or that do not use this template will not be considered for review. All text, figures and tables, References and Appendix should be in the same file and inserted in line with the text. The conference invites research papers, research-in-progress and case studies in the area of humanitarian logistics. Some of the themes (but not limited to) that the paper can address are as follows:
Analysis that identifies strengths and weaknesses in current theory and/or practice.
Cross-cultural and gender issues and their implications for humanitarian logistics education and training.
Design and delivery of humanitarian logistics education and training programmes.
Educating the educators and training the trainers.
Impacts of organizational knowledge and learning.
Practices for managing knowledge that underpin successful humanitarian logistics education and training programmes.
Student expectations in humanitarian logistics training and education.
Teaching of ``green'' logistics in a humanitarian logistics context.
Use of innovative teaching techniques.
The interface between military organizations and humanitarian NGOs in an education and training context.
Identification of specific competencies and their incorporation into the curriculum.
Standards for humanitarian logistics education and training.
Formatting Requirements and Template:
All submissions must be in Microsoft Word format (.doc / docx). For submission template please click here. Instructions for using the template are provided in the template itself. Files submitted in other word processing formats or that do not use this template will not be considered for review. All text, figures and tables, References and Appendix should be in the same file. All figures must be inserted in the word file in .jpg format. Following details should be included in the text of a manuscript: Research Objective, Conceptual Framework and Related Literature, Research Hypothesis, Research Methodology (including data collection and analysis), and Discussion and Conclusions.
Length Requirements:
Their specific length requirements are as follows:
Completed research papers should be between 4000-6000 words and must conform to the ICHL 2015 submission template. This word limit includes all text, figures, tables, and appendices. The cover page, abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this count.
Research-in-progress papers typically describe work that is as yet incomplete, but promising. The length of research-in-progress papers should be up to 3000 words. This word limit includes all text, figures, tables, and appendices. The cover page, abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this count. Accepted research-in-progress papers will be presented in an interactive format as posters, during ICHL 2015, and will appear in the conference Proceedings. Additional information on poster preparation and presentation will be provided later.
Case studies that reflect established and/or emerging insights into the education and training of those involved within the field of humanitarian logistics. The length of case studies can vary from 3000-5000 words. This word limit. his word limit includes all text, figures, tables, and appendices. The cover page, abstract, keywords, and references are excluded from this count.
Number and Order of Authors:
After initial submission, authors cannot be added to or deleted from completed research papers, research-in-progress papers.
Review Process:
Completed Research Papers, Research-in-Progress Papers and case studies will be prescreened for conformity with submission guidelines and for overall appropriateness for the conference. Papers that pass the initial screening processes will be double-blind reviewed.
Copyright Note:
Authors need to submit a declaration that their manuscript is original not published anywhere else.
Publication of Proceedings:
All the accepted papers shall be published in the conference proceedings in a form of an edited book. A copy of the book shall be provided free to all the registered participants. The authors must have registered and completed the formalities of payment of registration fee for inclusion of the paper in conference proceedings.
Selected Papers will also be published in the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal after due review process.
All submissions must be in English
All submissions must be original and should not have been published or accepted in a journal or conference proceedings, nor presented at another conference. Further, submissions must not be currently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere.

Last modified: 2014-08-25 22:10:31