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iCCI 2015 - The 3-rd International Workshop on inter-Clouds and Collective Intelligence (iCCI-2015)

Date2015-03-24 - 2015-03-27


VenueGwangju, South Korea South Korea



Topics/Call fo Papers

The third International Workshop on inter-Clouds and Collective Intelligence (iCCI-2015) is dedicated to the theories, practices and concepts of utilizing inter-operable and inter-cooperative clouds towards a collective intelligence approach for the benefit of business and science. Clouds become a mature e-infrastructure for performing and delivering business and science. However, each cloud provider has established their own systems, which are not necessarily inter-operable with each other for effective data portability, service sharing, discovery, scheduling and integration. It is apparent that clouds require coming together on an on-demand basis as to further improve QoS and become even more energy and cost efficient. To achieve these, the inter-cloud initiative has been emerged with the view of developing mechanisms to enable the federation and interaction between “isolated” multiple cloud systems. Apart from the inter-cloud initiative there is also a notable opportunity namely, the current trend in which a collectively shared and generated content is emerged from end-users. iCCI-2015 will also discuss these advances and specifically, about utilizing and exploiting data generated from within inter-cooperative clouds towards a collective intelligence approach leading to the advancements of virtual organizations and their user communities. This is because, inter-cooperative clouds will store and continuously generate a vast amount of data, which if combined and analyzed through a synergetic, collaborative and collective intelligence manner will make a difference in the organizational settings and their user communities. Thus, the scope of iCCI-2015 is to discuss and prompt future direction of inter-clouds enabling methods, practices and strategies to bring these together to capture, integrate, analyze, mine, annotate and visualize data ? made available from various cloud community users ? in a meaningful manner.
The main topic areas include, but are not limited to:
Architectures, Programming Frameworks, Middleware Interfaces and Applications
Business and Web Intelligence for Multi-Clouds, Federated Clouds and inter-Clouds
Big Data and Ontology Semantics, Management, Analytics and Visualization
Data/Text Mining, Data Clustering, Graph Partitioning, Social Graphs
Data Portability and Interoperability in Clouds, Interoperability Requirements in Cross-Domains
Context-aware and Dynamic Resource Provisioning
Security, Trust and Reputation, Identity Management and Privacy
Self-adaptive Ant Colony, Swarm and Evolutionary Agents
Social Networks, Social Network Analysis, Link Analysis, Click-stream, Tag clouds
User Communities/Virtual Organizational Structures and Dynamics

Last modified: 2014-07-08 22:10:55