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DTMBIO 2014 - International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics



VenueShanghai, China China



Topics/Call fo Papers

Biological researchers face the current challenge of making effective use of the enormous amount of electronic biomedical data in order to understand and explain complex biological systems. The biomedical data repositories include multiple forms of data including bibliographic information from electronic medical journals, gene expression data from Microarray experiments, protein identification and quantification data from proteomics experiments, genomic sequences gathered by the Human Genome Project, and patient healthcare records. The ability to automatically and effectively extract, integrate, understand and make use of information embedded in such heterogeneous structured and unstructured data remains a challenging task.
We invite the submission of papers which propose ways to address the variety of aspects involved in meeting this challenge.
Topic of Interest
The relevant topics include the following (but not limited to):
? Proposal and assessment of novel Text Mining solutions
? Information integration for Data and Text Mining
? Information extraction from biomedical literature
? Information retrieval for large distributed data collections
? Gene sequence annotation
? Protein/RNA structure prediction
? Gene expression analysis
? Algorithms for Sequence and structural motifs detection
? Modeling of biochemical pathways and biological networks
? Image mining in Biomedical Informatics
? Mining multiple information sources in Biomedical Informatics
? Workflow modeling and analysis for drug development, system biology, and biomedical working processes
? Knowledge discovery in electronic medical records
? Translational Medicine approaches for combining bioinformatics data with clinical information

Last modified: 2014-05-28 22:52:51