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IECEUS 2014 - 2014 International E-Conference on Economy under sanctions



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Topics/Call fo Papers

2014 International E-Conference on Economy under sanctions is the premier forum for the presentation of new papers and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Issues such as sanctions and economy, trade, international law, political science and sociology, social sciences, etc. The conference will bring together leading researchers, scientists, economists, lawyers, sociologist, etc. in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Theme and sub-theme:
- Explain the economic conditions of sanctioned countries (China, Libya, India, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, South Africa, Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan, North Korea, etc.) from the perspective of macro-Economic variables (exports, imports, privatization, inflation, interest rates, exchange rate, GDP, per capita income, economic growth, tax, unemployment, etc.)
- Explain the economic conditions under sanctions from the perspective of microeconomic variables (market, consumer, manufacturer, price, utility, and the price elasticity of production, replacement and return of ...)
- Economic sanctions and social variables (general health, health, Racism, Poverty, migration, food security, environment, Social Capital, etc.);
- Economic sanctions and international politics and law (human rights, democracy, humanitarian aid, etc.)
- The impact of sanctions on the production and trade of energy (oil, gas, etc.);
- Terms of economic sanctions and international monetary and financial systems;
- The impact of sanctions on banking and international trade;
- Economic sanctions and Doing business, entrepreneurship, SMEs;
- The impact of international sanctions on international organizations and companies, FDI & FPI;
- The Nature and Models of Sanction;
- Manage Sanctions;
- Typology of Sanctions;
- Sanctions and Resistive Economic;
- Management of Organizations In Terms Of Sanctions;
- Reduce the Social and Economic Effects of Sanctions;
- Geneva Agreement and Its Consequences;
- Military Economy;
- Resistive Economic;
Important Dates:
Deadline of Full Paper submission: .................Aug 6, 2014
Notification of acceptance: .............................. Sep 1, 2014
Authors ' registration: ...................................... Sep 12, 2014
E-Conference Dates .........................................Sep 22, 2014

Last modified: 2014-04-20 20:59:19