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LightSEC 2014 - Third International Workshop on Lightweight Cryptography for Security & Privacy

Date2014-09-01 - 2014-09-02


VenueIstanbul, Turkey Turkey



Topics/Call fo Papers

LightSEC 2014 aims at promoting and initiating novel research on the security & privacy issues for applications that can be termed as lightweight security, due to the associated constraints on metrics such as available power, energy, computing ability, area, execution time, and memory requirements. As such applications are becoming ubiquitous, providing an immense value to society, they are also affecting a greater portion of the public & leading to a plethora of economical & security and privacy related concerns.
Topics of Interest:
- Design, analysis and implementation of lightweight cryptographic protocols
- Cryptographic hardware development for constrained domains
- Security & privacy solutions for wireless embedded systems
- Lightweight privacy-preserving protocols & systems
- Design and analysis of fast and compact cryptographic algorithms
- Wireless network security for low-resource devices
- Low-power crypto architectures
- Scalable protocols and architectures for security and privacy
- Formal methods for analysis of lightweight cryptographic protocols
- Security and privacy issues in RFID and NFC
- Embedded systems security
- PUF based crypto protocols
- Security of ubiquitous and pervasive computing
- Side channel analysis and countermeasures on lightweight devices
- Efficient and scalable cryptographic protocols for the Next Generation Secure Cloud

Last modified: 2014-04-05 09:01:33