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FOGA 2015 - FOGA '15 Foundations of Genetic Algorithms XIII

Date2015-01-17 - 2015-01-20


VenueAberystwyth, UK - United Kingdom UK - United Kingdom



Topics/Call fo Papers

FOGA is the premier event on the theoretical foundations of all kinds of evolutionary computation techniques including (but not limited to) evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimization, and particle swarm optimization. Accepted papers will be published in a post-conference proceedings by ACM Press. The goal of FOGA 2014 is to advance the theoretical understanding of evolutionary computing techniques and to promote theoretical work to the wider community. A successful exchange between theory and practice on evolutionary computation is very desirable and so we encourage submissions bridging theory and practice. In addition to strict mathematical investigations, experimental studies increasing the theoretical foundations of evolutionary computation methods are very welcome.
Topics include (but are not limited to): fitness landscapes and problem difficulty, population dynamics, runtime analysis, self-adaptation, single- and multi-objective problems, statistical approaches, stochastic and dynamic environments, and working principles of evolutionary computing techniques in general.

Last modified: 2014-04-04 22:50:45