DCDS 2014 - 2nd International Workshop on Digital Circuits ? Design & Synthesis
Topics/Call fo Papers
2nd International Workshop Digital Circuits ? Design & Synthesis (DCDS) is organized within 11th National Conference KNWS 2014. It provides an opportunity to present, discuss and publish the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in modeling, specification, test, analysis, simulation, synthesis and implementation of digital circuits and embedded systems. The area of session deals with the following topics:
electronic signals and systems,
signal processing,
digital systems and architecture,
logic synthesis,
properties and applications of Boolean Algebra,
multi-valued logic,
control systems,
embedded systems.
The presentation and publication language of DCDS is English. Positively reviewed and accepted papers (from 12 to 14 pages) presented at the Conference will be published as a chapter of book in the “Informatik/Kommunikationstechnik” subseries of the “Fortschritt-Berichte VDI” series edited by VDI Verlag. Additional the short paper (1 or 2 pages) can be published in electronic conference materials. All submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee of the KNWS 2014 Conference. The full paper should be prepared using Series template and the short paper should be prepared using Conference template . The submission can be made via e-mail ( knws-AT-uz.zgora.pl) or via Conference website system (in Polish).
The deadline for submission of the full paper is 15th March 2013 and camera ready and short paper is 30th April 2014.
Instruction for full paper
Instruction for short paper
participant Polish
Reduced fee
(before 30.04.2014) 450,00 EUR 1500,00 PLN
Full fee
(before 15.05.2014) 500,00 EUR 1600,00 PLN
Additional paper 250,00 EUR 800,00 PLN
Fee includes:
Accommodation from 09 June to 12 June
Meals from lunch on 09 June to breakfast on 12 June
Publication of chapter in the Fortschritt-Berichte VDI
Publication of short paper in Conference proceedings (electronic version)
Banquet ticket and social program
electronic signals and systems,
signal processing,
digital systems and architecture,
logic synthesis,
properties and applications of Boolean Algebra,
multi-valued logic,
control systems,
embedded systems.
The presentation and publication language of DCDS is English. Positively reviewed and accepted papers (from 12 to 14 pages) presented at the Conference will be published as a chapter of book in the “Informatik/Kommunikationstechnik” subseries of the “Fortschritt-Berichte VDI” series edited by VDI Verlag. Additional the short paper (1 or 2 pages) can be published in electronic conference materials. All submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee of the KNWS 2014 Conference. The full paper should be prepared using Series template and the short paper should be prepared using Conference template . The submission can be made via e-mail ( knws-AT-uz.zgora.pl) or via Conference website system (in Polish).
The deadline for submission of the full paper is 15th March 2013 and camera ready and short paper is 30th April 2014.
Instruction for full paper
Instruction for short paper
participant Polish
Reduced fee
(before 30.04.2014) 450,00 EUR 1500,00 PLN
Full fee
(before 15.05.2014) 500,00 EUR 1600,00 PLN
Additional paper 250,00 EUR 800,00 PLN
Fee includes:
Accommodation from 09 June to 12 June
Meals from lunch on 09 June to breakfast on 12 June
Publication of chapter in the Fortschritt-Berichte VDI
Publication of short paper in Conference proceedings (electronic version)
Banquet ticket and social program
Other CFPs
Last modified: 2014-02-07 22:32:10