PEGOV 2014 - 2nd International Workshop on Personalization in eGovernment Services and Applications (PEGOV2014)
Topics/Call fo Papers
PEGOV 2014 will be held in Aalborg, Denmark in 2014 in conjunction with the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization - UMAP 2014.
User modeling and personalization have proved to play a strategic role in adapting the behavior of intelligent systems to the specific characteristics of their users. The systems exploiting user-profiling strategies are able to give a different answer to requests derived by different users. In this context, it is important to define effective and accurate techniques for extracting the user’s characteristics, interests and preferences to be used in the next steps of the personalization pipeline (adaptation, recommendation, etc.). However, while personalization is being extensively studied in domains characterized from the digital-object consumption (e-commerce, news, music, video recommendations, etc.), there is little work on personalization in the e-Gov domain.
For example, while in an e-commerce portal, one can quite easily obtain user preferences, in the e-Gov domain, the concept of preference itself is difficult to define, and confidentiality and privacy concerns appear to play a more important role. Lately, there have also been attempts to link preferences to new socio-development indicators and methods developed in social sciences such as the new metrics to measure happiness and social well-being. Furthermore, there are also significant ethical issues that could prevent governments from leveraging the direct access they have to citizen information, as undeclared or automatic user profiling could be considered intrusive and undesirable.
The main goal of the workshop is to stimulate the discussion around problems, challenges and research directions about personalization in e-Gov, with a dual focus on both services and OGD.
Some questions that motivate this workshop include:
Can personalization methods support the design of services and applications, which better adapt to the different roles that a citizen/business plays while interacting with public administrations?
Which user characteristics (demographic, cultural, family, etc.) can influence the design and delivery of e-Gov services as well as reuse of OGD?
How can citizens be involved in the design of adaptive e-Gov platforms and services?
To what extent are the general techniques adopted for user modeling and profiling in different domains exploitable for modeling the citizen characteristics?
Can novel methods for socio-economic analysis based on mobile applications be used for driving the personalization of access to OGD and e-Gov services?
How can personalization methods improve the access to OGD, e.g., with proper visualizations, faceted browsers, and/or suitable recommendations?
How do privacy and ethically issues affect the feasibility of effective personalization methods?
Can semantic models and ontologies support the representation of prototypical users in order to identify categories of citizens based on different characteristics?
How can e-Gov service personalization decrease the administrative burden of public service provision, increasing at the same time the value delivered to the citizen?
Would personalization methods be favorably accepted and desired by citizens?
How can ethical issues and privacy be addressed to positively influence trust in personalized e-Gov services?
User modeling and personalization have proved to play a strategic role in adapting the behavior of intelligent systems to the specific characteristics of their users. The systems exploiting user-profiling strategies are able to give a different answer to requests derived by different users. In this context, it is important to define effective and accurate techniques for extracting the user’s characteristics, interests and preferences to be used in the next steps of the personalization pipeline (adaptation, recommendation, etc.). However, while personalization is being extensively studied in domains characterized from the digital-object consumption (e-commerce, news, music, video recommendations, etc.), there is little work on personalization in the e-Gov domain.
For example, while in an e-commerce portal, one can quite easily obtain user preferences, in the e-Gov domain, the concept of preference itself is difficult to define, and confidentiality and privacy concerns appear to play a more important role. Lately, there have also been attempts to link preferences to new socio-development indicators and methods developed in social sciences such as the new metrics to measure happiness and social well-being. Furthermore, there are also significant ethical issues that could prevent governments from leveraging the direct access they have to citizen information, as undeclared or automatic user profiling could be considered intrusive and undesirable.
The main goal of the workshop is to stimulate the discussion around problems, challenges and research directions about personalization in e-Gov, with a dual focus on both services and OGD.
Some questions that motivate this workshop include:
Can personalization methods support the design of services and applications, which better adapt to the different roles that a citizen/business plays while interacting with public administrations?
Which user characteristics (demographic, cultural, family, etc.) can influence the design and delivery of e-Gov services as well as reuse of OGD?
How can citizens be involved in the design of adaptive e-Gov platforms and services?
To what extent are the general techniques adopted for user modeling and profiling in different domains exploitable for modeling the citizen characteristics?
Can novel methods for socio-economic analysis based on mobile applications be used for driving the personalization of access to OGD and e-Gov services?
How can personalization methods improve the access to OGD, e.g., with proper visualizations, faceted browsers, and/or suitable recommendations?
How do privacy and ethically issues affect the feasibility of effective personalization methods?
Can semantic models and ontologies support the representation of prototypical users in order to identify categories of citizens based on different characteristics?
How can e-Gov service personalization decrease the administrative burden of public service provision, increasing at the same time the value delivered to the citizen?
Would personalization methods be favorably accepted and desired by citizens?
How can ethical issues and privacy be addressed to positively influence trust in personalized e-Gov services?
Other CFPs
- 4th Workshop on Trust, Reputation and User Modeling (TRUM'14)
- 2nd Workshop on "Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services"
- Workshop on UMAP Projects Synergy (ProS)
- International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics
- 24th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering
Last modified: 2014-02-07 22:12:05