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2014 - The future human image: Whom and How to educate in younger generation



VenuePereyaslav-Khmelnits, Ukraine Ukraine

KeywordsPhilosophy Psychology Pedagogy; future human image; education


Topics/Call fo Papers

Topic areas
The conference topic is modern scientific (philosophical, pedagogical, psychological, sociological, etc.) concepts of future human image, revealing perspectives of human development from the standpoint of the current level of scientific and philosophical knowledge: main characteristics and ways of future human image implementing into daily reality.
Possible areas of focus include, but are not limited to:
? Forming future human image as a strategic goal of Philosophy of Education ;
? Future human image in the history of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy : the relationship of reality with futuristic concepts ;
? Influence of cosmological models on the understanding of future human image;
? Future human image through the prism of modern psychology and neurophysiology ;
? Human's place in the scale of Earth and Space ;
? Methods of pedagogical influence on the younger generation in order to create future human beings;
? Planetary and cosmic personality as future human image;
? Innovative approaches to the formation of younger generations.
Please submit papers as email attachments to
Works submitted to the conference will be posted on the ISPC site. Articles selected by the organizing committee will be published in the fourth volume of the scientific journal The future human image: Whom and How to educate in younger generation.
Submissions should be emailed to
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2014
Date of notification: May 5, 2014
Please direct any questions about the conference or your submission to the organizing committee: or (Oleg Bazaluk).

Last modified: 2014-01-16 16:01:36