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RARM 2014 - International workshop ON Recent Advances in Robotics and Mechatronics

Date2014-08-22 - 2014-08-23


VenueIstanbul , Turkey Turkey



Topics/Call fo Papers

We are cordially inviting you to submit papers to and attend the RARM-2014,
Recent Advances in Robotics and Mechatronics international workshop:
The workshop to be held in 22-23 August, 2014, Istanbul / TURKEY.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide a public forum for researchers
from academia, defence, government and industry to present, exchange ideas and
discuss developments in Robotics and Mechatronics
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Intelligent Systems
? Activity/Behaviour Recognition
? Cognitive Modeling and Human interaction
? Decision Support Systems
? Feature Extraction
? Fuzzy Control
? Fuzzy Systems
? Genetic Algorithms
? Human-Computer Interaction
? Hybrid Learning Systems
? Image/Video Analysis
? Intelligent Fault Detection and Diagnosis
? Knowledge Representation
? Learning in Vision
? Machine Learning
? Neural networks
? Pattern Recognition
? Planning and Scheduling problems
? Probabilistic Reasoning
? Soft Computing
? Software Agents for Intelligent Control Systems
? Tracking and Surveillance
? Uncertainty in AI
? Robot Vision
? AI Algorithms
Robotics and Automation
? Biological Inspired Sensors
? Calibration and Identification
? Collective and Social Robots
? Control and Supervision Systems
? Cooperating Robots
? Dexterous Manipulation
? Fundamentals of Robotics
? Humanoid Robots
? Human-Robot Interfaces
? Human-Robot Interfaces
? Intelligent Components for Control
? Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
? Intelligent Transportation Technologies
? Kinematics and Dynamics Aspects of Robots
? Localization, Navigation and Mapping
? Mechanical Sensors
? Mechatronics Systems
? Medical Robotics
? Micro Robots and Micro-Manipulation
? Mobile Robotics
? Mobile Robots and Intelligent Autonomous Systems
? Mobile Sensor Networks
? Modeling and Identification
? Modelling, Planning and Control
? Modelling, Simulation and Architecture
? Motion Planning and Algorithms
? Network Robotics
? Nonholonomic Systems and Control
? Perception Systems
? Robot Control
? Robot Design, Development and Control
? Robot end-Effectors
? Robot Infrastructure
? Robot Programming and Instructions
? Robot Sensing and Data Fusion
? Robotics Applications
? Safe Human-Robot-Cooperation
? Search and Rescue Robots
? Sensors Fusion
? Sensory and Visual Feedback in Robots
? Service Robots
? Space and Underwater Robots
? Telerobotics and Teleoperation
? Telerobotics and Teleoperation
? Visual Servoing
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission Due June 15, 2014
Acceptance Notification Due July 5, 2014
Camera Ready Due July 15, 2014
Registration Due July 25, 2014
For more information about the workshop, organizing committee, submission
instructions, and venue please see the workshop website:
We look forward to your paper submission and participation at the workshop.
Best Regards
Conference Secretary
Scientific Cooperations

Last modified: 2013-12-29 15:29:37