CYPHERS 2014 - 2nd Experts Workshop on CPS 20 years from now ? how to get there: vision and challenges (CYPHERS)
Date2014-04-14 - 2014-04-17
VenueBerlin, Germany
- 19th International conference on machine vision applications
- International Experts Summit on Surgery and Anesthesia
- International Experts Summit on Surgery and Anesthesia (HYBRID EVENT) – 2025
- 2025 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Perception and Computer Vision (CIPCV 2025)
- 8th International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (ICMVA 2025)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The CyPhERS project ("Cyber-Physical European Roadmap and Strategy") aims at a strategic research and innovation agenda for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) as well as recommendations for action for the European Commission. CyPhERS surveys, analyses, and evaluates the economic, technical, scientific, and societal impact of CPS. CyPhERS organizes the CPS20 workshop in order to, on the one hand, validate reached results and conclusions and, on the other, elicit further and deeper discernments.
The CPS20 workshop provides multiple scientific and industrial communities with a forum for
(a) the exchange of CPS visions and challenges as well as
(b) the elaboration of strategies to those ends.
In particular, goal of the workshop is to gather insights regarding foundations, technology and methodologies for the design and production of large scale CPS that enable the realization of smart cities and even of the smart Earth. The outcome will thus help towards the clarification of the various interpretations, commonalities, and differences, thereby paving the way for a more structured and well‐founded approach to future CPS roadmaps and initiatives, including research and technology, education and training, ecosystems and standards.
Besides invited talks and position papers, the workshop will include an interactive panel for discussions. Contributions are solicited addressing one or more of the following topics:
Visions and challenges of technological, organizational, business and societal nature (at least two)
Roadmaps for CPS ? suggested course of action that meet defined visions and challenges
Experiences from regional and international efforts already undertaken or under way
Representatives from academia, industry and policy making are explicitly invited to submit enlightening position papers of 4?8 pages length in IEEE two-column format.
The CPS20 workshop provides multiple scientific and industrial communities with a forum for
(a) the exchange of CPS visions and challenges as well as
(b) the elaboration of strategies to those ends.
In particular, goal of the workshop is to gather insights regarding foundations, technology and methodologies for the design and production of large scale CPS that enable the realization of smart cities and even of the smart Earth. The outcome will thus help towards the clarification of the various interpretations, commonalities, and differences, thereby paving the way for a more structured and well‐founded approach to future CPS roadmaps and initiatives, including research and technology, education and training, ecosystems and standards.
Besides invited talks and position papers, the workshop will include an interactive panel for discussions. Contributions are solicited addressing one or more of the following topics:
Visions and challenges of technological, organizational, business and societal nature (at least two)
Roadmaps for CPS ? suggested course of action that meet defined visions and challenges
Experiences from regional and international efforts already undertaken or under way
Representatives from academia, industry and policy making are explicitly invited to submit enlightening position papers of 4?8 pages length in IEEE two-column format.
Other CFPs
- 1st International Workshop on Applied veRification for Continuous and Hybrid Systems (ARCH 2014)
- The fifth workshop on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (MedicalCPS)
- International Workshop on Emerging Ideas and Trends in Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (EITEC’ 14)
- 2014 International Symposium on Society, Economics and Urban Studies
- 7th Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs 2014)
Last modified: 2013-12-03 06:53:46