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ICMSME 2014 - 2014 International Conference on Materials Engineering and Mechanical Engineering

Date2014-02-21 - 2014-02-22


VenueWuhan, China China



Topics/Call fo Papers

The multiple topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Materials Engineering
1: Material for low carbon building
2: Green energy and equipment
3: Key materials for fuel cells
4: Materials for primary battery and secondary battery
5: Green chemistry and equipment
6: Synthetic degradable materials
7: Waste materials disposal and reuse
8: Synthesis of environmental catalytic materials
9:Catalytic desulfurization,denitrification,dechlorination and other technical in Clean energy
10:Catalysis technology and environmental protection under the condition of light, electricity, magnetism, microwave
Mechanical Engineering
1: Engineering design in a global manufacturing context
2: Concurrent, collaborative, and distributed engineering design and manufacture
3: Design tools, methods and techniques
4: Product life-cycle modeling and management
5: Computer-aided design and manufacturing
6: Quality, robust design, and variation management
7: Global Manufacturing and Systems
8: Product modeling and visualization techniques and advancement
9: Modeling and simulation of workflow in design and manufacturing processes
10:Virtual design and manufacturing technology
11: Advanced manufacturing processes
12: Enterprise resources planning
13: Digital factory/enterprise
14: Robotics and vision applications in robotics
15: Micro electrical mechanical systems
16: Cost control in product design
17: Activity based cost management
18: Precise detection technology
19: Others mechanism and computer science topics
20: Advanced material forming and processing technology
Environment Management

Last modified: 2013-11-06 22:46:02