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APCASE 2014 - The 2014 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering

Date2014-02-10 - 2014-02-12


VenueBali, Indonesia Indonesia



Topics/Call fo Papers

The 2014 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering (APCASE) is hosted by Binus University of Technology in conjunction with our sponsors. You are cordially invited to submit papers in any of the areas listed below. Please submit and register your extended abstracts here.
The conference has a format in that papers are accepted for presentation on extended abstract only. Then, at the conference, all accepted and presented papers are reviewed again for the full version in Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence book.
Prospective participants are invited to prepare an extended abstract (min. 500 words, as PDF file), and electronically submit according to the instructions available on the Conference web site. Full papers, eligible for inclusion in the Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence book must be prepared in the appropriate format.
Conference Topics
The conference is structured as a set of parallel workshops listed below:
System theory and applications
Computer-aided system optimization and design
Cooperative engineering systems
Heuristic computation models and systems
Biomimetic models, computation & systems
Autonomous and autonomic systems
Model-driven system design
Communications and networks
Wireless network systems and technologies
Security and safety systems
Cognitive Radio Systems
Biomedical and health systems
Computer-based methods in medicine
Ubiquitous and ambient computing systems
Cloud computing systems and applications
Web-oriented and ontological systems
Mobile computing and applications
Internet-of-things (IoT)
Wireless sensor and actuators networks
Body area networks
Mechatronic and robotic systems
Machine vision and image processing
Haptic systems
Sensory systems and applications
Telematics systems
Real-time systems and applications
Software intensive systems
Simulation systems
Augmented reality systems
Social network systems
User and data centric systems
Engineering smart systems
Smart infrastructure systems
Smart agriculture and vertical agriculture systems
Engineering smart cities and buildings
Smart laboratories and educational systems
Smart homes systems
Presentation Preparation
Each technical session room will be equipped with a projector and a computer.
The presentations should be loaded onto the computers before the start of the session. Please make sure that you load your presentation before the session starts. We suggest that you do this at least 10 minutes before the start of the session and you check that it works.
Presentations may be in either Powerpoint or PDF format. In Powerpoint it is advisable to embed truetype fonts when saving (Tools menu > Options > Save tab) to minimise font problems. If your presentation is made up of pdf files, please make sure that all the fonts are embedded.
Presenters must bring their presentation on USB storage device and must run on an IBM compatible computer.
You should introduce yourself to the Chairs of your session before the session starts. Please present to the session chair a short biography (not more than 5 lines).
Each presenter will have approximately 15 minutes to present their paper, plus 5-10 minutes for questions. Session chairs will be instructed to keep all authors strictly to this time allocation.

Last modified: 2013-10-23 21:26:39