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ICCEE'14 2014 - 4th International Journal Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE'14)

Date2014-02-13 - 2014-02-14


VenueSwiss-Inn Batam, Indonesia Indonesia

KeywordsCivil Engineering ; Environmental Engineering


Topics/Call fo Papers

Civil Engineering ::
? Accessibility
? Actions and policies to implement sustainable construction
? Adapting to Climate Change
? Advanced Monitoring Systems
? Architectural Engineering
? Biodiversity
? Biomimicry and design with nature
? Building sustainability assessment tools
? Civil Engineering
? Conservation (buildings and nature)
? Conserve energy, water and other resources
? Construction Engineering
? Design and technologies for energy efficiency and conservation
? Design for climate change
? Design for deconstruction
? Design for flexibility
? Design for minimizing and using construction and demolition waste
? Design for Security and Sustainability
? Design for service-life
? Design quality
? Designing Inclusive Environments
? Designing the sustainable city of tomorrow and Urban Sustainability
? Develop energy efficient buildings at design stage to secure long-term savings
? Eco-materials and technologies
? End-user and community involvement
? Energy and Environment
? Environmental Science and Engineering
? Health and safety
? Improvements in Numerical Modelling and Analytical Approaches
? Indoor environment quality and benchmarks
? Innovative sustainable construction systems
? Life Cycle Analysis
? Location and Urban Design
? Microclimate
? New Cement-Based Materials
? New constructive Techniques and Systems
? Planning and building law and trends
? Planning aspects for sustainable construction (construction site, procurement and commissioning)
? Reduce the noise, pollution, flooding and microclimatic effects
? Rehabilitation
? Re-use land and buildings
? Social inclusion
? Sustainable design and construction standards
? Sustainable design, construction and development
? Sustainable management of existing building stock
? Sustainable resources and materials use
? Transport and Environment
? Urban and Regional Planning
? Urban Design and Development
? Use of industrial waste
? Use of non-conventional materials
? Waste minimisation
Environmental Engineering ::
? Air pollution and its effects on ecosystems
? Coasts and Seas
? Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory and Cognition
? Development and environment
? Development Planning and Policy
? Disasters Management
? Education on Energy and Environment
? Environmental economics - sustainable services and systems
? Environmental impact assessment
? Environmental law - environmental policies
? Environmental performance of enterprise
? Environmental psychology
? Environmental risk
? Environmental Science and Engineering
? Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Sciences
? Food Science and Technology
? Health aspects of waste water and solid waste management
? Hydrological modification
? Marine Biology and Sciences
? Mathematical Biology
? Medical and Pharmaceutical Engineering
? Natural resources management
? Nuclear Energy and Environmental Protection
? Pollution control
? Pollution control technologies
? Polymer-based targeting techniques and nanotechnology
? Positive Psychology
? Soil and agricultural issues
? Solid waste management
? Solid waste management and recycling
? Spatial Cognition
? Sport Psychology
? Statistical inference, and the learning theory
? Strategic Management
? Strategic Management
? Strategic Management Policy
? Stress Management
? Supply Change Management
? Sustainability indicator
? Sustainable Process Model
? Systems Management
? Systems Thinking
? Understanding Explanatory Coherence
? Urban design and cultural heritage
? Waste water management and aquaculture
? Water Engineering
? Water resources management and water quality

Last modified: 2013-10-01 15:50:53