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IJCNBE'14 2014 - International Journal Conference on Nanotechnology and Biomedical Engineering (IJCNBE'14)

Date2014-01-06 - 2014-01-07


VenueDOWNTOWN DUBAI (UA, UAE - United Arab Emirates UAE - United Arab Emirates

KeywordsSoftware Engineering; Data Mining


Topics/Call fo Papers

Software Engineering ::
? Agile Software Development
? Communication Software and Protocols
? Copyright Issues
? Databases
? Fault Tolerance
? Human Computer Interaction
? Mobile and Wireless Computing
? Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
? Programming Tools and Languages
? Quality Assurance
? Reusability
? Semantic Web
? Software Agents
? Software Architectures
? Software Engineering
? Software for Parallel and Distributed Systems
? Software Methodologies
? Software Performance Engineering
? Software Testing
? Standards
? Verification and Validation
? Web-based Software Engineering Applications
? Cooperative Work Support
? Data Mining
? Education
? Graphical User Interfaces
? Internet Computing (JAVA, CORBA, XML)
? Model-Driven Development
? Optimization
? Project Management
? Reliability
? Security
? Service Engineering
? Software Algorithms
? Software Design and Development
? Software Evaluation
? Software Maintenance
? Software Metrics
? Software Requirements
? Software Tools
? The Internet and Intranet
? Visualization
Data Mining ::
? Regression/Classification
? Time series forecasting
? Segmentation/Clustering/Association
? Deviation and outlier detection
? Explorative and visual data mining
? Web mining
? Mining text and semi-structured data
? Temporal and spatial data mining
? Multimedia mining (audio/video)
? Mining large scale data
? Distributed and grid based data mining
? Data and knowledge representation
? Data warehousing and OLAP integration
? Integration of prior/domain knowledge
? Metadata and ontologies
? Agent technologies for data mining
? Legal and social aspects of data mining
? Data Mining Process
? Data cleaning and preparation
? Feature selection and transformation
? Attribute discretisation and encoding
? Sampling and rebalancing
? Missing value imputation
? Model selection/assessment and comparison
? Induction principles
? Model interpretation
? Data Mining Applications
? Data Mining for Business Intelligence
? Emerging technologies in data mining
? Computational performance issues in data mining
? Data mining in usability
? Advanced prediction modelling using data mining
? Data mining and national security
? Data mining tools
? Data analysis
? Data preparation techniques (selection, transformation, and preprocessing)
? Information extraction methodologies
? Clustering algorithms used in data mining
? Genetic algorithms and categorization techniques used in data mining
? Data and information integration
? Microarray design and analysis
? Privacy-preserving data mining
? Active data mining
? Statistical methods used in data mining
? Multidimensional data
? Case studies and prototypes
? Automatic data cleaning
? Data visualization
? Theory and practice - knowledge representation and discovery
? Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
? Uncertainty management
? Data reduction methods
? Data engineering
? Content mining
? Indexing schemes
? Information retrieval
? Metadata use and management
? Multidimensional query languages and query optimization
? Multimedia information systems
? Search engine query processing
? Pattern mining
? Applications (examples: data mining in education, marketing, finance and financial services, business applications, medicine, bioinformatics, biological sciences, science and technology, industry and government, ...)
? Data Mining Algorithms
? Artificial neural networks
? Fuzzy logic and rough sets
? Decision trees/rule learners

Last modified: 2013-09-30 19:12:06