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VenueArizona, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

The 19th HIPS workshop, to be held as a full-day meeting on May 19, 2014 at the IPDPS 2014 conference in Phoenix, focuses on high-level programming of multiprocessors, compute clusters, and massively parallel machines. Like previous workshops in the series, which was established in 1996, this event serves as a forum for research in the areas of parallel applications, language design, compilers, runtime systems, and programming tools. It provides a timely and lightweight forum for scientists and engineers to present the latest ideas and findings in these rapidly changing fields. In our call for papers, we especially encouraged innovative approaches in the areas of emerging programming models for large-scale parallel systems and many-core architectures.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest to the HIPS workshop include but are not limited to:
New programming languages and constructs for exploiting parallelism and locality
Experience with and improvements for existing parallel languages and run-time environments such as MPI, OpenMP, Cilk, UPC, Co-array Fortran, X10, and Chapel
Parallel compilers, programming tools, and environments
(Scalable) tools for performance analysis, modeling, monitoring, and debugging
OS and architectural support for parallel programming and debugging
Software and system support for extreme scalability including fault tolerance
Programming environments for heterogeneous multicore systems and accelerators such as GPUs, FPGAs, Cells, and MICs
The program schedule has yet to be determined.
Submission & Deadlines
Submission due date: January 14, 2014
Author notification: February 14, 2014
Camera-ready papers: February 28, 2014
Paper Submission
Submit papers for the workshop using the EDAS conference system. If you don't already have an EDAS account, you can create one using this link.
Submission for Paper
Paper Style
The HIPS paper style is identical to the IPDPS paper style. Submitted manuscripts may not exceed 10 single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references.
Workshop Chair
John Cavazos, University of Delaware - Newark, DE
Steering Committee
Rudolf Eigenmann, Purdue University - West Lafayette, IN
Michael Gerndt, Technische Universitテ、t - Mテシnchen, Germany
Frank Mueller, North Carolina State University - Raleigh, NC
Craig Rasmussen, University of Oregon - Eugene, OR
Martin Schulz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore, CA
Program Committee
Tarek Abdelrahman, University of Toronto - Toronto
Greg Bronevetsky, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore, CA
Brad Chamberlain,Cray - Seattle, WA
Alastair Donaldson, Imperial College - London, United Kingdom
Franz Franchetti, Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA
Benedict Gaster, Qualcomm
Hakan Grahn, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Christos Kartsaklis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Oak Ridge, TN
Jaejin Lee, Seoul National University - Seoul, Korea
Paul Kelly, Imperial College - London, United Kingdom
Andrew Lumsdaine, Indiana University - Bloomington, IN
Tim Mattson, Intel Corp. - DuPont, WA
Kathryn Mohror, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore, CA
Matthias S. Mueller, RWTH Aachen University- Aachen, Germany
Stephen Olivier, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, NC
Antoniu Pop, University of Manchester - Manchester, United Kingdom
Philip Roth, Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Oak Ridge, TN
Michael Spear, Lehigh University - Bethlehem, PA
Nathan Tallent, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Richland, WA
Zheng (Eddy) Zhang, Rutgers University - New Brunswick, NJ
Conference Date Location
18th HIPS 2013 May 20, 2013 Boston, MA, USA
17th HIPS 2012 May 21, 2012 Shanghai, China
16th HIPS 2011 May 20, 2011 Anchorage, Alaska, USA
15th HIPS 2010 April 19-23, 2010 Atlanta, GA, USA
14th HIPS 2009 May 25, 2009 Rome, Italy
13th HIPS 2008 April 14, 2008 Miami, FL, USA
12th HIPS 2007 March 26, 2007 Long Beach, California, USA
11th HIPS 2006 April 25, 2006 Rhodes Island, Greece
10th HIPS 2005 April 4, 2005 Denver, Colorado, USA
9th HIPS 2004 April 26, 2004 Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
8th HIPS 2003 April 22, 2003 Nice, France
7th HIPS 2002 April 15, 2002 Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
6th HIPS 2001 April 23, 2001 San Francisco, CA, USA
5th HIPS 2000 May 1, 2000 Cancun, Mexico
4th HIPS 1999 April 12, 1999 San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
3rd HIPS 1998 March 30, 1998 Orlando, FL, USA
2nd HIPS 1997 April 1, 1997 Geneva, Switzerland
1st HIPS 1996 April 16, 1996 Honolulu, HI, USA

Last modified: 2013-12-18 07:16:27