RAWNET 2010 - RAWNET : Resource Allocation on Wireless Networks
- 11th International Conference on Networksand Communications (NCO 2025)
- 12th International Conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks (icWCSN 2025)
- International Conference on Sociology, Human Resource, and Business Management 2025
- The 5th Int’l Conference on Human Resource and Enterprise Management(CHREM 2025)
- International Conference on Business Sustainability, Human Resource Development and Social Responsibility 2025
Topics/Call fo Papers
Future telecommunications networks are expected to provide very high data rates, seamless connections, at higher and often heterogeneous quality-of-service levels, in scenarios with ever increasing mobility. In order to meet these requirements, new generation wireless networks go beyond the classical paradigms of cellular networks and are based on complex interactions. In this scenario, efficient allocation of the available resources and/or cooperation, and/or competition play a strategic fundament role to increase and optimize communication performance of individual nodes or of the global network, and efficiently exploit the available frequency spectrum eventually admitting unlicensed users. This fuelled a vibrant flurry of studies in cooperative communications, spectrum management (cognitive radio), and resource allocation. The investigations involve researches and technicians from the physical, to the networking layers and above and eventually promote joint design within different layers (cross-layer design). Analysis and design of the complex interactions in future communications networks requires contributions from a variety of disciplines, which span from information theory to statistical physics, game theory, optimization, non-commutative algebras and so forth.
The workshop promotes the applications of new methodologies in this field with the aim of providing the participants advanced and innovative tools able to catch the fundamental dynamics of complex interactions. It fosters the presentation of new cooperative protocols and new schemes for resource allocation, novel results in the investigation of the theoretical limits and fundamental tradeoffs between competition and cooperation. The applications can steam from any wireless scenario, from multicell networks to sensor and relay networks, cognitive radio or ad hoc network. In fact, object of the workshop is to provide the participant with a comprehensive, thorough, and unified vision of the resource allocation issue in complex multiuser and multiprovider networks regulated by cooperation and competition.
Keynote Talks
Prof. Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland)
Prof. Gerhard Kramer (University of Southern California)
Topics of Interests:
Original contributions in resource allocation and cooperation for wireless networks are solicited in, but not limited to, the following directions:
User scheduling (single cell/multicell/OFDMA/relay-multihoping network);
Cross-layer design;
Power-control and energy efficient communications;
Resource allocation-based interference mitigation;
Cooperation schemes for interference control, coverage extension (multicell, multihop cooperation);
Game theoretic resource allocation;
Spectrum management, i.e. resource allocation in cognitive radio;
Pricing based, auction based schemes in ad-hoc/cellular networks;
Fairness vs performance issues;
Relay selection, cooperative group optimization and resource allocation;
Scaling laws and information theoretic bounds;
Diversity/multiplexing trade-offs of cooperation protocols;
Effect of partial and incomplete channel state information in cooperative systems, and robust designs;
Practical issues in cooperation strategies for mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks.
The workshop promotes the applications of new methodologies in this field with the aim of providing the participants advanced and innovative tools able to catch the fundamental dynamics of complex interactions. It fosters the presentation of new cooperative protocols and new schemes for resource allocation, novel results in the investigation of the theoretical limits and fundamental tradeoffs between competition and cooperation. The applications can steam from any wireless scenario, from multicell networks to sensor and relay networks, cognitive radio or ad hoc network. In fact, object of the workshop is to provide the participant with a comprehensive, thorough, and unified vision of the resource allocation issue in complex multiuser and multiprovider networks regulated by cooperation and competition.
Keynote Talks
Prof. Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland)
Prof. Gerhard Kramer (University of Southern California)
Topics of Interests:
Original contributions in resource allocation and cooperation for wireless networks are solicited in, but not limited to, the following directions:
User scheduling (single cell/multicell/OFDMA/relay-multihoping network);
Cross-layer design;
Power-control and energy efficient communications;
Resource allocation-based interference mitigation;
Cooperation schemes for interference control, coverage extension (multicell, multihop cooperation);
Game theoretic resource allocation;
Spectrum management, i.e. resource allocation in cognitive radio;
Pricing based, auction based schemes in ad-hoc/cellular networks;
Fairness vs performance issues;
Relay selection, cooperative group optimization and resource allocation;
Scaling laws and information theoretic bounds;
Diversity/multiplexing trade-offs of cooperation protocols;
Effect of partial and incomplete channel state information in cooperative systems, and robust designs;
Practical issues in cooperation strategies for mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks.
Other CFPs
- 8th Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks
- WiNMee : International Workshop On Wireless Network Measurement
- The 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
- 8th International Workshop on Resource Allocation and Cooperation in Wireless Networks
- Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2010)
Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22