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IC-ININFO 2013 - 1st Workshop on Archives in the Digital Age: standards, policies and tools

Date2013-09-05 - 2013-09-09


VenuePrague, Czech Republic Czech Republic



Topics/Call fo Papers

Workshop titled “Archives in the Digital Age: standards, policies and tools”
Part of the 3rd International Conference on Integrated Information (IC-ININFO), 5-9 September 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
Proceedings papers will be included in the Elsevier's Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences
The description and dissemination of the archival collections has changed over the last twenty years, mostly due to the standardization of the archival description. The use of the archival standards and metadata schemas, such as ISAD(G), ISAAR(CPF), ISDF, EAD, EAC-CPF, METS, PREMIS etc., has expanded to many archival services worldwide. Currently, we find ourselves in a turning point where new versions of these tools have been created and new technologies are being used in the archives world, such as Linked Open Data and Semantic Web tools. Moreover, the latest years the archivists are facing the challenge of the definition of a conceptual model for the archival description, similar to the ones defined in the bibliographic and museum world.
The aim of this session is a) to document the use of standards and schemas, present their implementation, and their strong and weak points, b) to introduce all the current efforts related to the definition of a conceptual model for the archival description, c) to observe the use and evaluation of archival information systems, and d) to present the use of Social Media in Archives and the policies followed by them. The objective is to generate a community in which archivists, information and computer scientists working on relevant issues will meet and exchange ideas about the main open issues.
We welcome papers that deal with, but are not limited to, the following issues:
a) the use and evaluation of standards, metadata schemas and content description rules implemented by the Archives in order to describe, disseminate and preserve their material in the digital world,
b) the implementation of principles, policies, guidelines and best practices as part of the digitally manipulated archival tasks, and
c) the use and evaluation of archival information systems,
d) the implementation of Semantic Web technologies in Archives, and
e) the use of Social Media in Archives.
Information on submission can be found at the IC-ININFO 2013 call for papers web page (

Last modified: 2013-05-14 22:34:11