LASER 2013 - Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results (LASER) 2013 workshop
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Topics/Call fo Papers
The goal of the Learning from Authoritative Security Experiment Results (LASER) 2013 workshop is to help the security community quickly identify and learn from both success and failure from all properly conducted experimental (cyber) security research. This will encourage people to share not only what works, but also what doesn't. This is the primary goal of this workshop. The specific technical results of the experiments are of secondary importance for this workshop.
Topics include, but are not limited to
Unsuccessful research in experimental security
Methods and designs for security experiments
Experimental confounds, mistakes, and mitigations
Successes and failures reproducing experimental techniques and/or results
Issues in hypothesis and methods development (e.g., realism, fidelity, scale)
The workshop focuses on research that has a valid hypothesis and reproducible experimental methodology, but where the results were unexpected or did not validate the hypotheses, where the methodology addressed difficult and/or unexpected issues, or that unsuspected confounding issues were found in previous work.
Topics include, but are not limited to
Unsuccessful research in experimental security
Methods and designs for security experiments
Experimental confounds, mistakes, and mitigations
Successes and failures reproducing experimental techniques and/or results
Issues in hypothesis and methods development (e.g., realism, fidelity, scale)
The workshop focuses on research that has a valid hypothesis and reproducible experimental methodology, but where the results were unexpected or did not validate the hypotheses, where the methodology addressed difficult and/or unexpected issues, or that unsuspected confounding issues were found in previous work.
Other CFPs
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Last modified: 2013-04-25 23:50:20