MIMEC 2013 - 1st International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference
Date2013-12-04 - 2013-12-06
VenueJohor Bahru , Malaysia
Topics/Call fo Papers
The 1st International Materials, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Conference (MIMEC2013) will be held in Johor Bahru, Malaysia on 4 ? 6 December 2013.
You are cordially invited to submit abstract(s) and/or paper(s) to MIMEC2013.
All papers accepted for oral/poster presentations will be published in Advanced Materials Research which is indexed in Scopus, Ei, ISI/Web of Science CPCI, and other major indexing services.
Post Conference Publications
Selected abstracts and papers, after significant extension, will be recommended for publication in regular/special issues of the following journals. Usual peer review by the respective Journal applies.
Proc IMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture (SCI, IF: 0.725)
Proc IMechE Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications (SCI, IF: 0.658)
Systems Engineering (SCI, IF: 0.42)
Materials Science-Poland (SCIE, IF: 0.382)
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering (SCIE, IF: 0.366)*
Quality Technology and Quantitative Management (SCIE, IF: 0.276)
Jurnal Teknologi (Scopus indexed)
Jurnal Mekanikal
International Journal of Precision Technology
*Article Processing Fee applies. Refer to the Journal’s website.
Important dates
Paper submission due
Notification to authors
Early registration due
Registration due and final paper submission
Conference days and papers published
: 4 July 2013
: 4 August 2013
: 4 September 2013
: 18 September 2013
: 4 - 6 December 2013
Please observe the papers submission deadlines since MIMEC2013 proceedings' issue in Advanced Materials Research is scheduled to be published on December 4.
Mirror Websites
MIMEC2013 can also be accessed through:
You are cordially invited to submit abstract(s) and/or paper(s) to MIMEC2013.
All papers accepted for oral/poster presentations will be published in Advanced Materials Research which is indexed in Scopus, Ei, ISI/Web of Science CPCI, and other major indexing services.
Post Conference Publications
Selected abstracts and papers, after significant extension, will be recommended for publication in regular/special issues of the following journals. Usual peer review by the respective Journal applies.
Proc IMechE Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture (SCI, IF: 0.725)
Proc IMechE Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications (SCI, IF: 0.658)
Systems Engineering (SCI, IF: 0.42)
Materials Science-Poland (SCIE, IF: 0.382)
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering (SCIE, IF: 0.366)*
Quality Technology and Quantitative Management (SCIE, IF: 0.276)
Jurnal Teknologi (Scopus indexed)
Jurnal Mekanikal
International Journal of Precision Technology
*Article Processing Fee applies. Refer to the Journal’s website.
Important dates
Paper submission due
Notification to authors
Early registration due
Registration due and final paper submission
Conference days and papers published
: 4 July 2013
: 4 August 2013
: 4 September 2013
: 18 September 2013
: 4 - 6 December 2013
Please observe the papers submission deadlines since MIMEC2013 proceedings' issue in Advanced Materials Research is scheduled to be published on December 4.
Mirror Websites
MIMEC2013 can also be accessed through:
Other CFPs
- The 2013 International Conference on Multimedia and Signal Processing (CMSP'13)
- The 2013 International Conference on Network Computing and Information Security (NCIS'13)
- ACM Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (SIGDOC) 2013 conference
- 2013 International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
- 2013 IEEE 11th Malaysia International Conference on Communication (MICC 2013)
Last modified: 2013-04-13 11:06:04